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OpenSRF 2.0.0

Problem was observed with entering / retrieving patron names containing Unicode in Evergreen 2.0 on OpenSRF 1.6. Dan found a fix for the problem in OpenSRF 2.0 but there's a different problem with OpenSRF 1.6, thus a release candidate of 2.0.0 has been released.


  • Determine why Unicode patron name entry / retrieval worked with previous versions of OpenSRF but is broken in current version
  • Test OpenSRF 2.0.0 for stability and potential adoption

PostgreSQL 9.0 support

Bug 725809 reports a problem upgrading from Evergreen 1.6 to 2.0 on a PostgreSQL 9.0 server.

Given that we largely didn't test or develop the Evergreen 2.0 upgrade script on PostgreSQL 9.0, are we supporting it for Evergreen 2.0?

If we do want to support PostgreSQL 9.0 for Evergreen 2.0, then does the path for support become running the 1.6-2.0.X script, where "X" is the iteration where all of the PostgreSQL 9.0 kinks are worked out?

If we don't want to support PostgreSQL 9.0 for Evergreen 2.0, then does the migration path from 1.6 to 2.1 become:

  • Upgrade database to 8.4 and upgrade EG 1.6 to 2.0
  • Upgrade database to 9.0 and upgrade EG 2.0 to 2.1

This seems a bit headache-y.

Patch review queue

We don't want to let submitted patches rot, here's a list of bugs with attached patches, some of which are listed below:

Can we get committers to commit (hah) to reviewing and applying these patches (new features target 2.1 of course)?

Google Summer of Code application

  • We have willing mentors (phasefx, gmcharlt, dbs)
  • Need to put together a solid application, with a list of potential ideas for student projects that would be helpful to Evergreen, ideally with a list of prerequisite knowledge and easy/medium/difficult ratings
    • Even if our application is turned down, it provides a good refresh of the long-in-the-tooth software bounties page and offers an entry point for other potential developers
  • Deadline for applying: March 11, 2011; applications opened Feb. 28th
dev/meetings/2011-03-01.1298906499.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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