Table of Contents
Developer meeting: August 30, 2011
Meeting takes place on IRC on the #evergreen channel on Freenode. See the Calendar for specific dates and times.
Held at
- 09:00:00 a.m. Tuesday August 30, 2011 in America/Los_Angeles
- 12:00:00 p.m. Tuesday August 30, 2011 in Canada/Eastern
- 16:00:00 Tuesday August 30, 2011 in UTC
Last meeting:
Logs and minutes
- Minutes will be supplied in this document after the meeting finishes.
- Determine the taker of minutes: ?
- Determine meeting leader: ?
- Review action items
- Discuss 2.1 status at next dev meeting and pullrequest review meetings; please also report results on open-ils-dev
- eeevil has three bugs to open and fix
- EDI may or may not be a blocker
- ACTION: tsbere to issue a call on dev list for nominating bugs that might be considered blockers for the 2.1 release
- TPac merge: dbs and berick to craft a release-notes worthy commit message for the merge
- Deferred
- New Business
- No new business
- Meeting adjourned at 12:53
After the meeting, remove the agenda from the IRC channel topic.
Next meeting
- On calendar for Tuesday, September 13th at 12:00 EST, 9:00 PST.
dev/meetings/2011-08-30.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by