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Developer meeting: April 2, 2012

Meeting takes place on IRC on the #evergreen channel on Freenode. See the Calendar for specific dates and times.

Held at

  • 11:00:00 a.m. Monday, April 2, 2012 in America/Los_Angeles
  • 2:00:00 p.m. Monday, April 2, 2012 in Canada/Eastern
  • 18:00:00 Monday, April 2, 2012 in UTC

Last meeting:

Logs and minutes


  1. Determine the taker of minutes: MeetBot
  2. Determine meeting leader:
  3. Start MeetBot recording: #startmeeting 2012-04-02 - Developer Meeting
  4. Review past action items:
    1. denials to respond to rsoulliere with some ideas about DIG participation in release process.
      • STATUS: ?
      • STATUS:
    2. tsbere to cut 2.2 Beta1 on April 2
      • STATUS:
  5. New business
    1. JSPAC deprecation and removal: schedule proposal
      • Per senator in IRC, "i want to see the jspac die too, but let's remember there's still a (manageable) list of features that the jspac has that the tpac doesn't yet, and some sites would feel the pain"
      • Thus a proposal to give developers time to close the gap and sites time to transition to TPAC:
        1. 2.2.0 release:
          • Identify the remaining gaps between JSPAC and TPAC (added content, …)
          • Identify and document transition approaches for sites to move from JSPAC -> TPAC
        2. 2.2 + 1 release (roughly 6 months down the road; ~October 2012): formally deprecate JSPAC
        3. 2.2 + 2 releases (~April 2013): remove JSPAC
    2. Preparing for the Evergreen Conference hackfest:
      • Rather than the disorganized and often unproductive scramble that we've had in previous years, how about prepping for the hackfest this time around? Stealing from Fedora's model, add ideas on the Evergreen Conference 2012 hackfest ideas page that you would like to work on and let's see if we can build some momentum going into the hackfest. Who knows, maybe we'll even talk about some of the ideas on the mailing list in advance?
  6. Announcements?
  7. End MeetBot recording: #endmeeting
dev/meetings/2012-04-02.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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