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Developer Meeting: December 17, 2012

Held at

  • 10:00:00 a.m. Monday, December 17, 2012 in America/Los_Angeles
  • 1:00:00 p.m. Monday, December 17, 2012 in Canada/Eastern
  • 18:00:00 Monday, December 17, 2012 in UTC

Logs and Minutes

Action Items from Last Meeting

  1. Draft summary of "how we handle security-related bugs" and disseminate through appropriate channels.
    1. STATUS - Draft document available at security, feedback and edits solicited in a post to open-ils-dev.
  2. edoceo to work on setting up a dojo 1.6 test server
    1. STATUS?
  3. kmlussier to help coordinate end-user testing
    1. STATUS - waiting for setup of dojo test server
  4. kmlussier, bshum (and others) to edit the TPAC plan wiki page and create appropriate bug links if necessary.
    1. STATUS - Update from kmlussier: I updated TPAC plan wiki page to more clearly identify missing jspac features and created corresponding Launchpad entries for most of them. I also added jspacremovalblocker tags to the very few LP entries I consider to be blockers. We need more people looking at these bugs and adding the jspacremovalblocker tags where necessary. I particularly would like to hear from people who were one jspac longer than the MassLNC consortia were since I don't have a long history with any of these missing features.

GSoC reports

Will anything from the GSoC projects land in 2.4?

Release info


Dyrcona wants to discuss 2 things related to releases:

  1. Creating releases and "Fix Released" bugs for alphas, betas, and RCs.
  2. Bug targeting at series and milestones for releases.

Dan wants to ask about:

  1. Monthly minor release cycle - we released 2.3.1/2.2.3/2.1.4 on 2012-11-08, we're due for 2.3.2/2.2.4 - going to happen?
  2. We seem to be slipping on the communications from release managers / dev team outward to the broader community.
    1. Related; what's the plan for 2.4? We need to get some milestones (both technical and calendar-oriented) in place.
  3. Signoff/review checklist proposal for ensuring we don't forget important bits during signoff & commit. Needs revision & extension, but might be a good start?
dev/meetings/2012-12-17.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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