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Development Meeting: January 9, 2013

Held at

  • 10:00:00 a.m. Wednesday, January 9, 2013 in America/Los_Angeles
  • 1:00:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 9, 2013 in Canada/Eastern
  • 18:00:00 Wednesday, January 9, 2013 in UTC

Logs and minutes

Action Items from Last Meeting

  1. edoceo to work on setting up a dojo 1.6 test server
    1. STATUS?
  2. kmlussier to help coordinate end-user testing
    1. STATUS - waiting for setup of dojo test server
  3. bshum will remove jspacremovalblocker from bugs that are not blockers and eeevil will send message to general list to ask people to identify blockers.
    1. STATUS?
  4. denials to add a mention in the docs about PHP & Android efforts
    1. STATUS?
  5. GSOC_mentors to ensure related project code is moved to Evergreen git repos.
    1. STATUS?

GSoC reports


Release info




Staff client memory problems
Proposals (tsbere)
  • To encourage more community communication and involvement I propose that new features (not bugfixes) require sign-offs from two or more groups in the community before being committed, regardless of commit bit status. That would prevent any single entity from pushing new features in without the community looking over them just because they have one or more core committers in their employ.
  • On a similar vein, to ensure communication time with the community is possible I propose that new features need to be in a pullrequest state on Launchpad for a minimum of a week before a core committer pushes them into the system. Again, not bugfixes.
dev/meetings/2013-01-09.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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