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January 10, 2014 Developers Meeting


Action Items from Previous Meetings

  • bshum to summarize bug tracking based on feedback from developers
    • Status: Not done. Please defer to next meeting (again)
  • eeevil to commit a techref doc explaining how to build pgTAP test
    • Status:
  • eeevil to publish detailed plan about freezing baseline schemas between EG releases and using deprecates/supersedes in database upgrade scripts. This will go on the mailing list and the thread should structure further discussion of pros and cons of eeevil's plan.
    • Status:
  • gmcharlt needs to cut OpenSRF 2.3-beta already
    • Status:



Release info





New Business

  • Bill requests technical feedback on staff client prototype. Are there any objections to the use of AngularJS and/or Bootstrap? Does the basic layout seem sane? There are many challenges, which we will get to in time, but as a starting point… eh?
  • bshum would like to bring up supported OS questions:
    • The next Ubuntu LTS 14.04 (coming out next April). Plans for 2.6 (if any?) and the fact that our current March/September plan will always put us one month ahead of the Ubuntu LTS release cycle.
    • Formalize plans for support for next Debian testing release "Jessie"
dev/meetings/2014-01-10.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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