Table of Contents
February 12, 2014 Developers Meeting
- 11:00:00 a.m. Wednesday, February 12, 2014 in America/Los_Angeles
- 2:00:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 12, 2014 in Canada/Eastern
- 19:00:00 Wednesday, February 12, 2014 in UTC
Action Items from Last Meeting
- bshum to summarize bug tracking based on feedback from developers
- Status: Deferring, will do this at the conference if we run out of time
- gmcharlt to cut OpenSRF 2.3-beta next week
- Status: ?
- eeevil to publish detailed plan about freezing baseline schemas between EG releases and using deprecates/supersedes in database upgrade scripts. This will go on the mailing list and the thread should structure further discussion of pros and cons of eeevil's plan.
- Status: ?
- dbwells to review bug 1242999
- Status: Reviewed and committed to master, will backport for 2.5.3. Opinions wanted on backporting to 2.4.
- bshum to fix up the 2.4.5 and set 2.4.6 milestones in LP
- Status: Done, though I need to go through and update the bug statuses to "fix released" for things that are done.
- dbs will write up the release notes as promises in bug # 1261939 for per-library TPAC pages
- bshum to set new calendar entries for 2.6 milestone events and give access to dbwells to dev calendar.
- Status: Gave dbwells access to dev calendar, did not add milestone events yet.
- bill to open opensrf LP websocket ticket with current info
- Status: Ticket opened :
Deadline for GSoC organization applications is February 14, 2014. Are we going to apply this year? (Better question: do we have willing and able mentors this year?)
Release info
New Business
- PostgreSQL 9.3 support
- There are several aspects of PostgreSQL 9.3 that break Evergreen:
- (authority indexes can fail on Postgres 9.3.0)
- (Stricter column/table alias handling breaks hold test functions)
- Stricter type handling in function arguments (INTs no longer automatically coerced to TEXTs) breaks STRING_AGG() in a few places, possibly other functions - not sure this is bugged yet
- (XPATH() changed behaviour between 9.1 and 9.2) - this breaks 9.2 as well, for what it's worth
- Should we make PostgreSQL 9.3 support a release blocker for Evergreen 2.6 to avoid accumulating too much technical deficit / causing too much pain for those who aren't aware of the 9.3 problems?
- And obviously we need pgTAP tests to ensure that we get the expected behaviour from 9.1 through 9.3 (and beyond)
- Evergreen Hackfest Plans
- Time to start a wiki page like previous years to start getting ideas together?
- Example wiki page from 2013 Hackfest -
dev/meetings/2014-02-12.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by