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March 16th, 2015 Developers Meeting


Action Items from Last Meeting


Release info





New Business

Questions about Security Bugs/Process

Style Guide Project - Next Steps

  • Recap
  • Gists for quick review
  • Next Steps (Proposed)
    • Add "Work in Progress" disclaimer heading to each document, then move immediately to official repository
    • Establish a "Design Team"
      • Goals
        • Review the current guide, focusing on completeness and consistency
        • Expand the guide with rationale for design choices, ideally with references to external research
        • Establish an internal consensus, particularly in areas of high subjectivity
        • Create working HTML/CSS prototypes of all recommended UI elements
        • Present the result of the above steps for community review (and hopeful ratification) no later than June 30, 2015
      • Governance
        • The Team will be composed of volunteers, with at least two committers and two non-committer community members
        • Team members will agree to meet weekly until the guide is ratified
        • After the guide is officially accepted, the team will agree to meet every other month as caretakers to discuss ongoing application of the guide and potential refinements
      • Rationale
        • A style guide does not fit neatly into 'code' or 'docs', but has aspects of both, so the existing management structures are not ideal
        • The initial phase will be brief, but require committed focus
        • Good design for a group project means rising above individual instinct; doing so takes significant time and effort

Potential upcoming localhost WebSockets restrictions

The Chromium team is considering restricting WebSockets access to localhost (among other things). This has the potential to complicate or interfere with our ability to speak with "hatch" from the web staff client for enhanced local data storage and receipt printing. Opera may already have some restrictions like this in place. Worth watching, and potentially participating in the conversation on the Issue: Chromium Issue 378566: Block sub-resource loads from the web to private networks and localhost

Feedback for New Features Under Development

dev/meetings/2015-03-16.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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