Summary of discussion
- Release manager nominations & setting election date
- Jason Stephenson to email a call for nominations to the list
- Election to be scheduled for 28 May
- Release maintainers
- Bill volunteered to continue as 2.8 release maintainer
- For 2.7 release maintainer, we'reconsidering an experiment where Yamil Suarez servicesas a non-committer RMaint
- Jason Stephenson agreed to assist
- Galen can also assist when dealing with security releases
- Developer update at the Evergreen Conference
- Bill Erickson volunteered to prepare slides
- Topics
- new things in 2.8
- numbers of committers & commits
- security releases
- documentation update
- Web staff client update at the Evergreen Conference
- Web client update slides by Galen
- What got in 2.7 and 2.8
- Sprint 2 progress
- Upcoming for sprint 3
- Patron editor Angular-ization
- Day of Quacking
- Release schedules
- Ben Shum proposed taking advantage of the past two years' experience and writing out release schedules in more detail, e.g., including beta dates
- Ben and BIll to draft a template schedule that incoming RMs can adopt
- Cherry-picking vs merging
- Jeff Godin suggested that we consider using git merge –no-ff for master rather than cherry-picking from working branches
- Committers would sign off on the merge commits; the merge commits could also be used to store test plans
- There was general agreement that this is worth trying
- Jeff will send a proposal open-ils-dev
- (also, we'll need to fix the pinesol Git plugin to handle merge commits properly)
- Testing days
- Liam Whalen will organize the first one, which will focus on SQL tests
- Per Kathy Lussier, the next Bug Squashing Day will be in June
dev/meetings/2015-05-15.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by