Table of Contents
February 11, 2016 Developer Meeting
Action Items from Last Meeting
No outstanding action items from last two meetings
Release info
Evergreen 2.10 update
New Business
- Measuring interest in Sqitch Bug 1521693
- The longer this branch languishes, the more work required to bring it back up to date with master.
- Would be good to decide one way or the other as soon as possible.
- How do we feel about merging Password Managament Bug 1468422 into 2.10? It's a big change.
- One thing to consider is login will take longer (about a second with the existing code). This may require some PR? We could also make login faster with a lower encryption iteration count. It can be raised later with a little bit of of code.
Feedback for New Features Under Development
dev/meetings/2016-02-17.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by