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September, 2024 Development Meeting

Date: 10 September 2024

Time: 3:00 pm Eastern / 12:00 pm Pacific

Location: #evergreen IRC channel on Libera

Action Items from Last Meeting

  • eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets
  • gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946
  • redavis will look at making a regular calendar event for translation work in lock step with point releases
  • Dyrcona will look into git integration with POEditor
  • sleary and sandbergja will create/consolidate the test writing wiki page(s)
  • sandbergja will make it easier for folks to know how to run the tests in single file mode and all-mode
  • berick and jeff will look at making Hatch look better in the chrome store, so that it's not removed
  • Bmagic will work on upgrading the version of DokuWiki


Release info







  • Documentation Interest Group (DIG) met on Sept. 5
    • Defined many terms to run through Vale ( for documentation consistency checks
    • Discussed last Vale spreadsheet and getting as many of those fixed by October's meeting as possible
    • October's meeting with focus on 3.14 documentation needs
    • Question (went to listserv, too): This bug: is orphaned in the docs. Is it still a valid page? Is the part about SKOS Support that says “This is an experimental, "under-the-hood" feature that will be built upon in subsequent releases.” correct? Is it still an experimental feature?
  • Next DIG meeting is October 3.

Launchpad Status (as of noon Eastern)

  • Open Bugs - 3141
  • Pullrequests - 71
  • Signedoff - 24
  • Needswork - 87
  • Needstestplan - 3
  • Needsrebase - 26
Updates Since Last Meeting
  • Bugs Added - 61
  • Pullrequest tag Added - 40
  • Signedoff tag Added - 10
  • Needswork tag Added - 13
  • Needstestplan tag Added - 3
  • Needsrebase tag Added - 6
  • Fix Committed - 40

New Business

  • Preparing for OPAC template upgrade to Bootstrap 5: rewrite jQuery-specific JS wherever possible, please. - SL
    • In progress as part of the OPAC accessibility cleanup: the password eye, tooltips, and modal dialogs


  • Next Meeting is October 8, 2024
  • Hack-A-Way, November 12-14 in Boston, MA
dev/meetings/2024-09-10.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/10 15:06 by sleary

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