Example: Adding a Local Subjects (690) search index
First, every database script should perform its work inside a transaction. This is to protect the consistency of the data and avoid partial implementation of desired changes in the case of an error.
Now we need to add the indexing definition:
INSERT INTO config.metabib_field (field_class, name, xpath, format, label, search_field, weight) VALUES ( 'subject', -- The class to which this definition will belong 'local', -- The symbolic name of the definition within the class $$//marc:datafield[@tag="690"]$$, -- The XPath expression which will extract the desired data from the MARCXML 'marcxml', -- The format in which we will process the XPath for this definition 'Local Subjects', -- The translatable label used for this definition in user interfaces TRUE, -- Mark this definition as a search-oriented index 2 -- Increase the weight of this definition relative to others, which default to 1 );
Allowing the default id value to be set by the database gives us the ability to use the CURRVAL() function for the auto-incrementing sequence that fills in the id. We can use this when populating the normalization map:
INSERT INTO config.metabib_field_index_norm_map (FIELD, norm) SELECT CURRVAL('config.metabib_field_id_seq'::regclass), -- Returns the id of the indexing definition inserted above cin.id -- The ids of the normalizers we care about FROM config.index_normalizer AS cin -- Table defining normalizer functions WHERE cin.name = 'NACO Normalize'; -- The normalizers we care about for this field
In order to avoid reindexing the entire bibliographic data set for all index definitions when simply adding a new definition, it is best to backfill the index table for the new definition. This is done by pulling data from the existing, flattened MARC data:
INSERT INTO metabib.subject_field_entry (FIELD, SOURCE, VALUE) SELECT CURRVAL('config.metabib_field_id_seq'::regclass), -- Returns the id of the indexing definition inserted above mfr.record, -- The source MARC record from which the data will be extracted ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_ACCUM(VALUE),' ') -- Coalesce all 690 data into a single space-separated string for initial index population FROM metabib.real_full_rec AS mfr -- The internal table holding a flattened version of the bibliographic record WHERE mfr.tag = '690' -- Include only 690 tags GROUP BY 1, 2;
If an alias is desired for targeting exactly this field in SRU and Z39.50 searches, that can be added as well:
INSERT INTO config.metabib_search_alias (alias, field_class, FIELD) VALUES ( 'eg.subjectlocal', -- Alias to accept in SRU/CQL queries, and to map in Z39.50 settings 'subject' -- The search class to which the definition belongs CURRVAL('config.metabib_field_id_seq'::regclass) -- Returns the id of the indexing definition inserted above );
The only thing left to do is have the database commit the transaction wrapping all of these commands. The final script thus ends up as:
BEGIN; INSERT INTO config.metabib_field (field_class, name, xpath, format, label, search_field, weight) VALUES ( 'subject', -- The class to which this definition will belong 'local', -- The symbolic name of the definition within the class $$//marc:datafield[@tag="690"]$$, -- The XPath expression which will extract the desired data from the MARCXML 'marcxml', -- The format in which we will process the XPath for this definition 'Local Subjects', -- The translatable label used for this definition in user interfaces TRUE, -- Mark this definition as a search-oriented index 2 -- Increase the weight of this definition relative to others, which default to 1 ); INSERT INTO config.metabib_field_index_norm_map (FIELD, norm) SELECT CURRVAL('config.metabib_field_id_seq'::regclass), -- Returns the id of the indexing definition inserted above cin.id -- The ids of the normalizers we care about FROM config.index_normalizer AS cin -- Table defining normalizer functions WHERE cin.name = 'NACO Normalize'; -- The normalizers we care about for this field INSERT INTO metabib.subject_field_entry (FIELD, SOURCE, VALUE) SELECT CURRVAL('config.metabib_field_id_seq'::regclass), -- Returns the id of the indexing definition inserted above mfr.record, -- The source MARC record from which the data will be extracted ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_ACCUM(VALUE),' ') -- Coalesce all 690 data into a single space-separated string for initial index population FROM metabib.real_full_rec AS mfr -- The internal table holding a flattened version of the bibliographic record WHERE mfr.tag = '690' -- Include only 690 tags GROUP BY 1, 2; INSERT INTO config.metabib_search_alias (alias, field_class, FIELD) VALUES ( 'eg.subjectlocal', -- Alias to accept in SRU/CQL queries, and to map in Z39.50 settings 'subject', -- The search class to which the definition belongs CURRVAL('config.metabib_field_id_seq'::regclass) -- Returns the id of the indexing definition inserted above ); COMMIT;