Table of Contents
Evergreen SIP Server with SIP2Mediator (Testing Edition)
Quick Setup
Evergreen Configuration
- Install the latest working branch from bug #1901930
- If necessary…
- Apply SQL changes
- Apply opensrf.xml additions to support the new open-ils.sip2 service and restart Evergreen.
- Apply Apache eg_vhost.conf and eg_startup changes required to load the new Apache module and reload Apache.
- Create an Evergreen user account with adequate permissions to perform as a SIP user (See Adding SIP Users).
- The password for this Evergreen account can be anything (the stronger the better). It will never be used directly.
- For testing, the stock 'admin' account works fine.
- In the staff client, navigate to Administration => Server Administration => SIP Accounts and click 'New Account' to create a new SIP account.
- Set the "ILS Username" to match the Evergreen user account created above.
- Click the "Set Password" button to apply a SIP account password.
- "Workstation", "Transient", "Activity Who" are optional.
- Check the 'Enabled' checkbox.
- Save changes.
SIP2Mediator Setup
These instructions assume the SIP2Mediator is running on an Ubuntu server. It also assumes the SIP2Mediator is running on the same host as Evergreen. See the –help options to specify non-default listen address for SIP and the target HTTP address.
More information about the mediator may be found at https://github.com/berick/SIP2Mediator
sudo apt install build-essential libjson-xs-perl libnet-https-nb-perl libdatetime-perl sudo cpan URL::Encode::XS git clone https://github.com/berick/SIP2Mediator.git cd SIP2Mediator # run the mediator on localhost PERL5LIB=lib ./bin/sip2-mediator # see --help for full options
- Assumes SIP2Mediator is running on localhost
- Assumes Concerto data
- See –help for more options
From within the SIP2Mediator directory:
PERL5LIB=lib ./bin/sip2-client --pretty --institution example \ --sip-username sip-username-you-just-created \ --sip-password sip-password-you-just-created \ --item-barcode CONC4000080 -message item-information
- The response should look like this
[SENDING] [93] Login Request uid algorithm 0 pwd algorithm 0 [CN] login user id sip-username-you-just-created [CO] login password sip-password-you-just-created ---------------- [RECEIVED, duration: 0.158]: [94] Login Response ok 1 ---------------- [SENDING] [17] Item Information Request transaction date 20201130 162815 [AO] institution id example [AB] item identifier CONC4000080 ---------------- [RECEIVED, duration: 0.062]: [18] Item Information Response circulation status 04 security marker 02 fee type 01 transaction date 20201130 162815 [AB] item identifier CONC4000080 [AH] due date 2020-11-24 13:55:34 [AJ] title identifier The piano concertos [AP] current location BR1 [AQ] permanent location BR1 [BG] owner BR1 [BH] currency type USD [BV] fee amount 0.00 [CF] hold queue length 0 [CK] media type 001 [CM] hold pickup date [CT] destination location BR1 [CY] hold patron id ----------------
evergreen-admin/sip2mediator.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by