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Web Staff Client Workflow and Label Changes

Copy the HTML code below to update the status of an item:

  • Assign yourself: <html><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold">[your name]</span></html> ([your name])
  • Add a status: <html><span style="color: green;font-weight: bold"> COMPLETE!</span></html> (COMPLETE!)

Sprint 1


  • In the dekstop staff client, Search for patron by barcode and Retrieve patron by Database ID are discrete items in the Search menu. In the web-based staff client, all patron search methods are accessible by clicking Search -> Search for patrons, and expanding the search options by clicking the drop down arrow.
  • In the desktop staff client, you can search for patrons using a variety of criteria, including opac login. In the web-based staff client, this field is labeled username.
  • The horizontal and vertical patron summary display option in the desktop staff client has been replaced by a vertical patron summary display in the web-based staff client. You can hide the patron summary so that you can view more fully the selected patron’s account.


  • In the desktop staff client, you can retrieve recent circulations on an item by retrieving an item’s status and clicking Show Last Few Circulations. In the web-based staff client, this information is located in an item’s circulation history and can be retrieved by clicking Search -> Search for Copies by Barcode -> Detail View -> Circ History List.


  • In the desktop staff client, Browse Holds Shelf and Clear Holds Shelf are discrete items in the Circulation menu. In the web-based staff client, both of these functions can be accessed by clicking Circulation -> Holds Shelf.

Sprint 2

evergreen-docs/web_staff_client_workflow_and_label_changes.1412703384.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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