Table of Contents
Evergreen 2.12 Documentation Needs (deprecated, see Evergreen 3.0 Documentation Needs)
Documentation needs based on the Release Notes entries that were submitted with new features during the 2.12 release cycle as well as Launchpad bugs targeted to 2.12.
Also, based on earlier release notes.
Copy the HTML code below to update the status of an item:
- Assign yourself:
<html><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold">[your name]</span></html>
([your name]) - Add a status:
<html><span style="color: green;font-weight: bold"> COMPLETE!</span></html>
Check Sitka's documentation, especially when documenting older features: Regular Manual and Acquisitions Manual. Also, consider adding links to their YouTube video.There is also a rough draft of the AsciiDoc version of Sitka docs, (thanks Dan Scott!).
High level workflow for documenting new EG features
These are the high-level steps we take to document new features:
- Look at the new feature docs to do list (this page) and sign yourself up for documenting a new feature
- You will need a EG community wiki account to edit wiki pages, just email for access.
- Look over the release notes entry for the feature you picked and decide
- if the feature warrants a new section in the official manual (For 9/10/2015, see: to explain the new feature
- or just a bit of new content in an existing section that is related to the new feature.
- Maybe what is needed is to replace an existing screenshot in the docs with a newer screenshot that shows off or demonstrates the new feature
- Once you decide how the new feature should be documented follow the standard steps to contribute documentation to DIG
NOTE: Sometimes you can reuse almost all of the text in the new feature release note for use in the official docs, but sometime you have to come up with significant edits to the original release notes text.
2.12 features
Upgrade notes
- Postgresql requirements
- Upgrade script
- New services
Additional SMS carriers(no change needed, since the docs don't include a complete list of carriers)- Bibliographic Fingerprint Improvements
- Batch Hold Targeter Speed-up and New Features (just copy the release notes entry to the docs)
- Add separate make target for translators
- Allow admin to specify where Perl modules will be installed
- Addition of missing permissions
- get_org_unit_ancestor_at_depth Helper Added to Action Trigger Reactor Helpers
- It would be nice to briefly document all the available Helper functions (see
- Removed unused selfcheck password setting
- Credit Processor Stripe Settings Permissions
- New Access Points for MARC Merge/Overlay Profiles Sally COMPLETE! Angela will commit as part of Cataloging doc staff client rewrite
- Display Copy Alerts With In-House-Use - Debbie L. COMPLETE!
- Active Date Column Picker Option
- Punctuation Insensitive Patron Search
- Touch screen improvements for Evergreen self-check interface
Trial Production Use of the Web Staff Client
- Client Timezone Awareness
Public catalog
- New Subject Browse Index Definitions
- Advanced Search Limiters Enhancement Angela COMPLETE!
Arabic Language Support for the catalog- DONE!- Right-to-Left Language Support for the catalog
- Ebook API integration - DONE; Added to master
- Links to Other Formats and Editions [Kathy] In Progress
- Metarecord Search Improvements [Kathy] In Progress - Note: The net effect of these search improvements was to fix bugs where we couldn't limit by format, properly retrieve e-resources, or navigate metarecord search results correctly. Since those bugs weren't mentioned in docs, I don't think anything new needs to be added here. It just works in places that it didn't work before.
- Allow Metarecord Search by default [Kathy] In Progress
- RDA Improvements Integration- Done!
Needs From Previous Versions
Remove items from the list below as they are completed (or confirmed to be already complete).
Borrow Chapters from Evergreen In Action (from EG 2.2)
- NOTE: May be able to convert HTML to AsciiDoc:
- Controlling how holds are fulfilled
- Managing patron penalties and alerts
- Sending reminders to your users
- Care and feeding of Evergreen
- Preparing for disaster: saving your data
- Maximizing performance
- Staying current and secure
- Resources
- Getting more help in the community
- Glossary
- Appendix A: Suggested Profile Permissions
- Add Date Header to Action Trigger Email/SMS Templates
- Tablefunc Extension No Longer Required
Purge User Activity- DONE! Committed to master- SIP Renewals
- Treat SIP Location Field as Login Workstation
- Cataloging
- Copy Alerts - Angela COMPLETE! will commit with 3.0 release
- Staff Client Honors Aged Circulations
- "Canceled Transit" Item Status - Debbie in progress
- Email Checkout Receipts - Angela COMPLETE!
- Set Per-OU Limits on Allowed Payment Amounts
- Additional Fields Available for Display in Some Interfaces
- Merge Notification Preferences Tables in TPAC - [Jeanette L.] COMPLETE! Note:This new feature would best be included with documentation on using opt-in notices, but this documentation does not exist.
- Improved Holds Screens in My Account - [Jeanette L.] COMPLETE! Note: No screenshots or mentions of columns listed for items on hold or holds history. No update needed.
- Statistically generated Record Ratings (Popularity) - Angela COMPLETE!
- Use the full release notes as the documentation
- NOTE: Batch admin interfaces are only available in the web staff client.
- Removal of Advanced Hold Options link when part holds are expected - Jeanette L.
- Credit card receipts and privacy (May simply copy the release notes)
- Juvenile-to-adult batch script honors library setting
- New patron action/trigger notice
- sortable HTML reports
some documentation may need to be updated based on these changes
- Additional fixed fields
- Link personal name/title series added entries
- MARC stream importer authority records and repairs – DONE! Pushed to docs for version 2.11 and higher
- Change to MARC batch edit progress page
- Alternate parts selection display when placing holds
- web staff client patron editor
browser client
- non-active status copy transit message
- selectively disallow opt-in based on patron's home library
- standing penalty ignore proximity
- Changes to self check interface when patron not logged in Jennifer in progress
- self check inactivity timeout Jennifer in progress
- duplicate search when registering patrons Jennifer in progress
- Distinct images for pop-ups and slips
- Editable borrowing history Jennifer in progress
- Patron history disable warning Jennifer in progress
- Search scope depth selection
- New form/genre search and facet index
- Limit numbers of facets retrieved during search
- Password reset without an email address
- General
- Change references to
to say catalog, public catalog, or staff catalog as appropriate- JSPAC was removed in 2.9, so TPAC is now the only catalog. And several people agreed on IRC that "OPAC" is less clear and should be avoided.
- Acquisitions
- "Blanket" Orders - Done and committed!
- Administration
- Remove Script-Based Circulation Configuration
- EASY: Remove minor reference ("legacy circ scripts") from
- EASY: Add to "Configure the Apache Web server" (within Chapter 8. Installing the Evergreen server)
- Cataloging
SKOS for coded values- DONE, added to masterMARC Tag-table Service- DONE, added to master/2.12
- Circulation
- Conditional Negative Balances Kathy Partially complete Docs are updated, but I'm still working on a new billing section that explains the settings more clearly
New bib source variable for catalog customization- DONE (pushed master)-
- EASY: Add release notes to TPAC docs within section "Adding and removing MARC fields from the record details display page"
TPAC Discoverability Enhancements- DONE! Pushed to master
- Cataloging
- MARC Stream Importer Command line options – DONE! Pushed to docs for version 2.11 and higher
- Added Content by ID - DONE! Pushed to official docs 2.11 and above
- Content Cafe Added Content Update - DONE! Pushed to official docs 2.11 and above
- More RDA 264 tag support
- Acquisitions
- Support PO activation without loading copies into catalog - Should be added to chapter on PO's while moving PO chapter up - Kathy
- Differentiate between cancelled and "delayed" lineitems - Same as above - Kathy
- Administration
- Default filter option for configuration screens - bitesize
Purge holds- DONE! Added to master
- Circulation
- Patron barcode regex for patron registration
- Setting for Desk Renewal to use original circulating library
- Floating Groups - Note: Developer documentation is done, but could use review for readability and to add screenshots.
- Patron blocking by lost items and include lost as items out
- Print Single Item Receipt Submitted by Lynn Floyd, needs review
- Wrong-Shelf Holds in Clearable Shelf-Expired Holds List - Should be incorporated (with updated screenshots) in newly revived Holds documentation
- Adjustable font size in the staff client catalog - bitesize
- Standalone Mode Shortcut
- User Setting Defaults
- Added Content by Record ID - DONE! Pushed to official docs 2.11 and above
- Conjoined items - update docs to update with tpac functionality and replace jspac screenshots with tpac screenshots.
OPAC maintenance message- DONE!My List enhancements - Enhancements include improvement on navigation for My Lists by displaying a page number and allowing for navigation by page number; addition of pagination for items in a list; addition of My Lists Preferences tab in Account Preferences where users can identify the number of lists and the number of list items that should display in each page; and a prompt now displays when users select the Delete List button confirming that they really want to delete the list. Should be incorporated in My Lists documentation.- DONE! pushed to 2.11 docs and above- Some new OPAC features (shelving location filter, set search context by shortname, RSS links to full catalog) should probably be incorporated in a larger "document the tpac" project.
- Serials
- Support Reader Address Information in Routing Slip Template
- Support SIP Hold Cancellation - Looks like this adds a configuration option which should probably be incorporated when SIP Server docs are moved up.
- Return Hold ID to SIP - Probably requires some documentation since the use cases it support may not be immediately apparent.
- Acquisitions
- Acquisitions Inline Item Detail View -MassLNC/SITKA
- Acquisitions Lineitem Order Identifiers -MassLNC/SITKA
- Acquisitions Purchase Order and other Interface Improvements -MassLNC/SITKA
Options to hide some user preferences- DONE!- Search changes
- Two new Server Admin interfaces MARC Search/Facet Class FTS MAPS and MARC Search/Facet Field FTS Maps
Google Books Preview- DONE!
- Cataloging
- Direct access to item attribute editor -ESI
Can be incorporated into Cataloging Templates docs (have not been ported over from 1.6 docs yet) and Hide Fields in Copy Editor docs (need to be ported over from:
- Circulation
- Clickable Patron Indicators - Can be incorporated in Patron record chapter wherever the indicators are mentioned.ESI
- Administration
- Generic CSV Notification Generator/Receiver
- Staff Client
- Staff Client Search Preferences - Add as separate chapter to the Using the Staff Client section.
Older or Unknown Release
- Administration
- Local Administration
Aged circulations – a how-to and best practices, especially for sysadmins implementing this to protect patron privacy– DONE! added to masterCash Reports– DONE! added to 2.12 docs and master- Copy Location Groups
- Sally from Equinox has some documentation here:
- Copy Location Order
- Copy Locations Editor (Needs a pointer to existing documentation)
- Copy Template Editor (Needs a pointer to existing documentation)
- Field Documentation
- Group Penalty Thresholds
- Hold Policies
- Notifications / Action Triggers
- Using the "Test" tab (currently supported for circ triggers)
- Patrons with Negative Balances Lynn Floyd
- Search Filter Groups
- Surveys Lynn Floyd on hold, major bug. LP#1573269
- Transit List Lynn Floyd
- Hold Targeting and Hold Targeting script
- Acquisitions
- Patron Requests/Acquisition requests - Notes Gist
- Server Administration
- Actor Stat Cat Sip Fields
- Age Hold Protect Rules
- Asset Stat Cat Sip Fields
- Billing Types
- Custom Org Unit Trees
- Global Flags
- Hard Due Date Changes
- Hold Matchpoint Weights
- User Setting Types [Stompro]
- Database Backup and Restore Documentation Notes/In Progress Gist
- Loop-Based Hold Targeting & Pickup Location Weight Notes/In Progress Gist
- Override Permissions - need docs that explain that any event can have an override permission created.
- Z39.50 server setup - DBS docs on setting up Z39.50 Server
- Circulation History Tracking – DONE! Added to 2.11 and above
- Holds History Tracking – DONE! Added to 2.11 and above
- Circulation
- Hold Design - There doesn't seem to be anything that describes how holds work in the current documentation.
- A great start in the wiki by phasefx -
- There is a presentation by Equinox -