Evergreen Documentation Interest Group
Meeting notes for June 10, 2009 webinar, 3p-4:05pish ET
Paul Weiss and Karen Schneider, DIG co-facilitators, began by welcoming the 28 attendees to the second meeting (and first online meeting) of the Evergreen Documentation Interest Group (DIG).
Karen gave attendees a quick overview of the GoToWebinar software we are using for our meeting.
Karen next gave a recap of our founding meeting on May 20 at the first Evergreen International Conference in Athens, GA, US. She reviewed a brief history of Evergreen documentation efforts, where we are now, challenges, opportunities, and needs. She described why we selected DocBook as our format of choice for single-source documentation, and showed some sample workflows as well as sample DocBook XML and accompanying transformations.
Paul reviewed the name of the group and what he & Karen are doing to facilitate the work of the group.
The bulk of the meeting time was spent reviewing 1- and 2-week tasks from the proposed initial 3-month timelines that the facilitators drafted. The group felt this was a good start to get our work going.
- Action item: Review the short-term tasks, and volunteer! Send your top three choices for volunteering to docs@evergreen-ils.org. Paul and Karen will start divvying out tasks by Monday, June 15.
- Action item: If you'd like a DokuWiki account, email docs@evergreen-ils.org.
- Action item: Feel free to sign up on the participant list on the DIG page, either yourself, or by emailing docs@evergreen-ils.org with your info.
We briefly discussed a meeting schedule. We agreed with the biweekly frequency. Then complexity ensued. Given the diverse nature of preferences for meeting days and times, as well as the geographic diversity of the Evergreen community, we are considering alternating days/times. Paul and Karen will work on optimizing the schedule.