Evergreen Documentation Interest Group
Meeting notes for July 2, 2009 webinar, 4-4:55p ET
The bulk of the meeting was reports on each current task in the timeline.
1e = Meeting schedule / Karen Schneider, Paul Weiss Karen is not available to meet on July 23. She will set up another Doodle survey to help us select the date and time of the next DIG meeting.
1f = Initial timeline / Paul Weiss, Karen Schneider The dates will be changed to account for the change in the next meeting date. The task volunteer list will be merged into the timeline document for ease of use.
1g = Purpose/scope statement / Shannon Dineen, Paul Weiss Shannon and Paul have been working on this, and plan to have a shareable draft out shortly.
1h = Participant guide / Sarah Childs, Tara Robertson, Lindsay Stratton The task group is proceeding with its work.
2a = Guidance document scan / Paul Weiss, Karen Schneider Paul and Karen will be working on this shortly.
2b = Style guide / Karen Schneider, Jennifer Finney, Karen Collier, Lynn Floyd, Karen Foster (tester), Paul Weiss
The Karens and friends task group had a brief meeting just before the DIG meeting, and will be working first on an outline of proposed content.
2c = Proof of concept/4c = Idea for piece of new documentation / SITKA, Karen Collier, D. Ceabron Williams (tester) The task group is working away.
2d = Toolset / Karen Schneider, SITKA The task group is having its first meeting right after the DIG meeting.
2e = Orientation & training / Karen Schneider, Shannon Dineen This work will begin soon.
3a = Documentation scan / Tara Robertson , SITKA, Anton Chuppin The task group has divvied up sources of documentation, and has begun to inventory what is out there. We discussed some metadata that would be useful to have about each piece of documentation. Sarah Childs is joining the group.
3b = Plan needs assessment / Karen Schneider, Karen Collier The two Karens met and brainstormed about the needs assessment, and shared their notes with us. Their meeting showed that there is a lot to doing a good needs assessment, and they want to do it right. They are planning to do a survey after the upcoming ALA Annual Conference.
We also discussed whether the group wanted to get together at ALA. It turned out that very few people who were at the DIG meeting will be attending ALA, so we won't try for any formal get together. Those who do attend, may want to chat at the Equinox social, or at the Equinox booth.