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Draft Notes from the August 26, 2009 Evergreen DIG Meeting

Karen started the recording a few minutes late – sorry about that! Paul and Karen also didn't get out an agenda or take notes (we will do better next time).

The first few minutes were taken up with a quick review of the new DIG page redesign, which has just rolled out; the Purpose/Scope statement, which had some good tweaks suggested for an already-good product (thanks to Shannon and Paul); and to brief updates on the proof of concept (basically done), the environmental scan (no one was there to speak to it so we'll wait to hear from that group on their status), an update on the styleguide (in work, actual pages to show), the guidance document scan (deferred until the styleguide is drafted), with a brief reminder to look at the proof of concept. Karen will share survey responses with the environmental scan team.

Steve Wills said he will be in touch with the Drupal team, though right now he's busy with the Nelinet-Lyrasis merger, so we'll keep that in mind as we move forward.

Catherine Lemmer volunteered to draft a statement on intellectual property to use in the styleguide.

We then moved into discussion of the survey results. A longer document will be posted, but in a nutshell, here are the recommendations, based on the survey, which had 273 responses:

  • The DIG should move forward on these four identified high-priority areas:
    • Reports
    • Installation, migration, and upgrading (really three topics, as Steve Wills suggested)
    • Cataloging
    • Circulation
  • Evergreen documentation should focus on version 1.6 (strong support for that from the survey respondents)

Paul and Karen will put out a call for volunteers in these areas (call to go out next week, this is just a list):

  • Writing
  • Editorial revision
  • Functional testing
  • DocBook conversion
  • XML validation
  • CSS design
  • XSL design
  • Transformations
  • Checkin and committing
  • Graphics creation
evergreen-docs/dig_meetings/20090826-notes.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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