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DIG Meeting Agenda and Minutes - February 9, 2023

This meeting will be held via videoconference beginning at 2 p.m. EDT/11 a.m. PDT. Current and future DIG participants are encouraged to attend, and any interested members of the Evergreen Community are welcome as well.

For updates, notifications, and discussions please sign up for the Evergreen Documentation Discussion List.

Agenda and Minutes

  1. Introductions & Check-in: Andrea B.N., Debbie L., Gina M., Jennifer P., Jennifer W., Lena H., Susan M. Welcome, Lena!
  2. Pet Show & Tell: One of Andrea's kitties and Susan's pup joined us!
  3. Collaboration/Updates:
    1. Library Settings Spreadsheet: Updates and next steps: Everyone's been busy, but we have a good start and other IGs have looked some at their areas. Maybe we can work on this together at the conference hackfest!
    2. New features in 3.10 - Release Notes:
      1. AA4 docs branch here Andrea did a bang-up job writing new acq documentation!
      2. Open Athens documentation for 3.10? Susan will check with Chris if they already have some docs or if we just put the release notes info into the docs.
      3. Advanced shipment notices in acq - KCLS is using–do they have docs? Anyone else planning to (like PINES) who could provide documentation [aka, Tiffany, lol]
      4. Lots of minor changes noted in the release notes that could be quick fixes
    3. Reports documentation - Sitka's new docs, for reference: Jennifer P. has done a complete overhaul of their docs and is ready to contribute them, if it's okay. IT IS!! We also talked about how there are some things in the Reports section of docs that should probably be moved to Admin or Describing your org sections. Also, it would be awesome if the different sections of the report template editor had actual names so they'd be easier to talk/train about.
  4. Presentation: How to preview changes, Gina Monti: Really helpful! You can preview changes through Github in the "Checks" then "Artifacts" sections. Takes about 10-15 minutes to get to "built-docs" then you can download a zip file, where "Index" has the entire docs file and shows the change. The artifacts expire in about 2-3 weeks.
    1. There was also lots of Jane S. love for showing this to Gina, showing other really helpful things to all of us at different times, and for being super-awesome!
  5. Other Business:
    1. Gina requested that we talk about what we use for our own institutional documentation, to see what's out there and if there might be better ways someone else is using. Since the March meeting is during Bug Squashing Week, we'll wait until April for this conversation.
    2. Andrea has rewritten standard penalties documentation and made some changes to Jennifer P.'s group penalties rewrite. Which led to much divergent discussion on things being in un-intuitive places of the user-side menus Somewhere there is a LP bug (or more) about the admin options. Jennifer P. will find for next time.
  6. Next meeting: March 2, 2023
    1. Topic: Bugs! (It's Bug Squashing Week!)


At the May 2018 Documentation Interest Group (DIG) meeting in person at the Evergreen International Conference in St. Charles, Missouri, it was agreed that DIG meetings would alternate each month between meetings that were half agenda, half collaboration in one month, and a full meeting length of working on the documentation in the other month.

At the November 2020 DIG meeting on IRC, it was agreed that DIG would move the collaboration/working months to a videoconference platform and continue having the business meetings on IRC.

At the June 2022 meeting of DIG's Core Committers and Leaders, it was agreed to switch completely to videoconference meetings, unless a formally recorded vote on something is needed.

evergreen-docs/dig_meetings/20230202-agenda.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/09 17:21 by dluchenbill

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