DIG Meeting Agenda and Minutes - December 7, 2023
This meeting will be held via videoconference beginning at 2 p.m. EDT/11 a.m. PDT. Current and future DIG participants are encouraged to attend, and any interested members of the Evergreen Community are welcome as well!
For updates, notifications, and discussions please sign up for the Evergreen Documentation Discussion List.
Connection Information: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84441505629?pwd=eXF1RFRUVXoyTjVxQjdvQk55WVRhdz09
- Remember to click "Record"!
- Introductions & Check-in
- Pet Show & Tell
- Collaboration/Updates:
- Hack-a-Way report
- Keyboard shortcuts documentation
- Update Antora
- Reports docs review
- New for 2024: Angular Staff Catalog documentation
- ?
- Other Business
- 2024: Technical writing student tackles Docs project(s)! (Report on 11/17 meeting)
- Docs build errors? (ABN)
- Holiday Social!
- Next meeting: Thursday, January 4 - ??
- Topic: TBD
- Introductions & Check-in
- 9 people in attendance
- Pet Show & Tell
- 5 pets were in attendance (including a new black cat!)
- Collaboration/Updates:
- Hack-a-Way report: Not much documentation stuff happened, other making the domain switch–then breaking the docs, briefly
- Andrea and Jane emptied queue of docs pull requests! Yay! Lots of first docs commits this year!
- Keyboard shortcuts documentation: https://docs.evergreen-ils.org/docs/latest/admin/web-client-browser-best-practices.html#_tab_buttons_and_keyboard_shortcuts
- Sitka has added to their docs. Bunch of new stuff with Angular navigation plus the keyboard shortcuts. The latter are also context-specific (per last UI meeting). Also getting to keyboard shortcuts is different in AngularJS and Angular.
- Still need to get something into community docs in 2024, then continue to update as get rid of more AngularJS and Dojo pages. (We're getting closer and closer!)
- Update Antora: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/2036328
- On hold until people have time in 2024
- Reports docs review: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hd-cUALk-jt7PbuuSD3WCMAut7ohC1e810vgbsnvjHs/edit?usp=sharing
- Susan did great review of reports docs!
- Lena wrote documentation for Angular Reports!
- Awesome screen shots from Beth!
- Action item (but no shame): Andrea will tackle any newer updates
- New for 2024: Angular Staff Catalog documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dHmjHD_TzqLRnsFXWYo1qaiznbwl9T54UnLXGYURWCQ/edit#heading=h.snoop4twknet
- Other Business
- 2024: Technical writing student (Spencer!) tackles Docs project!
- Several of us met with Spencer 11/17/2023 to talk about possible docs projects for his master's project
- He's going to work on the stuff in the "New for 2024" doc above
- Starting in January, finishing in March
- His Advisor loved it, especially tackling the project in stages
- Equinox may have community server updated to 3.12 in early 2024
- Talked about new staff catalog features in 3.12 (not much–and Andrea already updated docs for "Additional Content" tab
- Docs build errors
- Hoping Blake or Jane would be present–not certain what's going on with build errors; weird stuff!
- New things not showing up in sidebar for previous versions, even though they're present in the files
- Git lesson from Andrea showing the things
- We were all confounded as to why they're not showing up
- Blake popped in: He'll take a look at it
- Blake discovered that the docs have been having trouble building since November 17–failing because it says it's running out of memory. Blake and Andrea will look into the date further to see if there was anything from around that date that could be causing it.
- Last docs commit before 11/16 was small one from Blake
- After that, next one was on 11/22
- Could be running out of memory after updating Main, but before finishing 3.11, etc., since it does one branch at a time
- "that was the day that we added rel_3_12 branch to the list of branches we're asking it to generate. That was apparently one too many, and it has exceeded the 2GB memory limit that Node.js imposes itself. I've edited the generation script to allow for 4GB memory instead, and it finished! So, the website now has all of the latest stuff."
- "A secondary issue: the non-main branches were not getting the latest documentation. This was due to a flaw in the documentation script. It wasn't running through all of the branches and pulling the latest git changes. I've introduced a chunk of code in that bash script that does that now.
- Any system admins that need to know more: when a new branch is introduced, we're going to need to reference it in the build script ~antora/run_docs…for branch in "rel_3_12" "rel_3_11" "rel_3_10" "rel_3_9" "rel_3_8" "rel_3_7" "rel_3_6" "main";"
- Older Evergreen docs–missing 3.5. Antora docs go 3.6+ and older docs only go up to 3.4
- It's there–we discovered a missing return carriage, which is why it's not showing up. Andrea can fix that (with "help" from one of her cats)–and does, live!
- Next meeting: Thursday, January 4
- Recap of things we pushed to 2024
- Conference things
- 3.12 docs scheduling
evergreen-docs/dig_meetings/20231207-agenda.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/03 17:26 by dluchenbill