Table of Contents
Book of Evergreen 1.6: Outline and Assignments
Below is a working outline for organizing the Documentation Interest Group's Book of Evergreen into Parts, Chapters, Sections, and Sections within Sections as deeply as needed. If you wish to make changes to the outline at the Part or Chapter level or that affect an area others are working on, please discuss your proposed changes on the documentation mailing list first. At the section and subsection level, many chapters are only vaguely organized. Your input on how to divide up these chapters into sections is greatly appreciated whether you edit the outline here or propose changes on the mailing list.
Besides helping keep the work in progress logically organized, this outline will also serve to keep track of who's working on which sections and subsections of the documentation at any given time and what stage those sections are in, so we can see which areas need volunteers and who to contact about a given section. When you undertake to write, test, edit, or convert a section to docbook, please add your name next to that section, and ideally your email address so others can contact you with questions, suggestions, and offers to help. Completed contributions should be submitted to the documentation mailing list for testing, editing, Docbook conversion, and committing to the repository.
Part: Introduction to Evergreen 1.6
- Introduction and Intended AudienceDONE
- Chapter: About Evergreen (what it is, history, etc)DONE
- Chapter: Key Concepts (organizational units and locations, flexible permissions by profile group home library or individual login, bib records/volumes/copies, item types/circ modifiers/item status/item stat cat, borrower groups/user stat cats, family accounts, patron notification/action triggers, buckets, holds behavior – targeting/retargeting/priority in filling/pull lists/expired holds/suspending holds/ holds across item types) - Ben Shum working on contentASSIGNED
- Chapter: Release Notesdone up to, waiting for 1.6.1 release notes. - from:
Part: The Public Access Catalog
- Introduction and Intended AudienceDONE
- Chapter: Basic Search - from SITKA DocBookDONE
- Section: Entering Search Terms (automatic and, Boolean has no meaning, minus for not, auto-stemming, generally fewer terms = more results, quotes for phrases, etc)
- Section: Basic Search Options (Limit fields to search, Limit formats to return, select locations to search, choose display language)
- Chapter: Advanced Search - from SITKA DocBookDONE
- Section: Search Input
- Section: Sort Criteria
- Section: Search Library
- Section: Group Formats and Editions
- Section: Limit to Available
- Section: Search Filters
- Section: Quick Search
- Section: MARC Expert Search
- Section: Text Size and Language Options
- Chapter: Search Tips - from SITKA DocBookDONE
- Chapter: Search Methodology - from SITKA DocBookDONE
- Chapter: Search URL - from
- Chapter: Search Results and Details Pages - from SITKA DocBookDONE
- Chapter: My AccountDone
- Section: Logging In (including required password change on first login, as well as self selected username alternative to card number)
- Section: Password Reset - Robert SoulliereDONE
- Section: Account Summary
- Section: Items Checked Out
- Section: Items on Hold
- Section: Fines
- Section: Account Preferences
- Section: My Bookbags
- Chapter: Self Check (simple self check interface and not to be confused with complex SIP server and hardware setup. SIP server configuration is in the SIP server chapter.)DONE
Part: Core Staff Tasks
- Introduction and Intended AudienceDONE
- Chapter: Using the Staff Client (Install, login, start page (varies by institution or consortium), managing tabs/windows/button bar, menus, keyboard shortcuts, column editor, workstation configuration, receipt templates, operator change, exiting) [work in-progress Lindsay Stratton (Pioneer) lstratton {at}]DONE
- Chapter: Circulation [work in-progress Lindsay Stratton (Pioneer) lstratton {at}]DONE
- Chapter: Cataloging - (Possibly divide the whole thing into two major sections on managing & adding holdings and managing & adding records?) [work in-progress Lindsay Stratton (Pioneer) lstratton {at}]DONE
- Section: Locating Records
- Section: Understanding the Holdings Maintenance Screen
- Section: Adding Holdings
- Section: Adding Volumes
- Section: Adding Items / Copies
- Section: Adding Holdings for Multiple Volumes or Branches Simultaneously
- Section: Using the Copy Editor
- Section: Using the Copy Editor to Make Changes
- Section: Adding and Deleting Copy Notes
- Section: Viewing Copy Notes in the OPAC (or maybe link this to the relevant section of the OPAC part?)
- Section: Item Templates (under Copy Editor?)
- Section: Creating Templates
- Section: Applying Templates
- Section: Deleting Templates
- Section: Changing Existing Templates
- Section: Renaming Existing Templates
- Section: Importing and Exporting Templates
- Section: Changing Call Numbers
- Section: Replacing Barcodes
- Section: Transferring Volumes and Items
- Section: Transferring Volumes from One Record or Branch to Another
- Section: Transferring Items from One Volume to Another
- Section: Printing Spine and Pocket Labels
- Section: Printing Labels for New Items
- Section: Printing Labels for Existing Items
- Section: Pocket Labels
- Section: Using the MARC Editor
- Section: Editing Fixed Fields
- Section: Editing the MARC Record
- Section: Validating Records
- Section: Adding New Records via Built In Z39.50 Client
- Section: Z39.50 Screen Features
- Section: Importing a record via Z39.50
- Section: Record Collisions
- Section: Fast Item Adds
- Section: Raw Searches
- Section: Overlaying Records (Under Z 39.50?)
- Section: Marking Records for Overlay
- Section: Batch Importer / Exporter
- Section: Importing Bibliographic Records
- Section: Importing Authority Records
- Section: Using the Import Queue
- Section: Exports
- Section: Editing Record Attributes on Import
- Section: Creating Original Records in Evergreen
- Section: Deleting Records from Holdings Maintenance
- Section: Deleting Item Records from Evergreen
- Section: Deleting Volume Records from Evergreen
- Section: Deleting Bibliographic Records from Evergreen
- Section: Undeleting Records
- Section: The Item Status Screen (This is geared for use by catalogers - should there be separate sections on Item Status for different users, or should there be one multi-purpose guide with links for different areas. Same question with searching, using tabs, holds?)
- Section: Checking Your Work Using the Item Status Screen
- Section: Using the Item Status Screen to Make Changes to Multiple Items
- Section: Saving Report Data in Excel for Use with the Item Status Screen
- Section: Using Notepad to Save Report Data as a Text File
- Section: Importing Data to the Item Status Screen from a Text File
- Section: Pre-Cats
- Section: Deleting Pre-Cat Items
- Section: Transferring Pre-Cat Items to Bibliographic Records
- Section: Copy Buckets
- Section: Creating New Copy Buckets from the Bucket Manager
- Section: Viewing Copy Buckets
- Section: Adding Items to Copy Buckets from Holdings Maintenance or Item Status
- Section: Creating New Buckets when Adding Items to Buckets
- Section: Adding Items to Copy Buckets from the Bucket Manager
- Section: Copying Copy Buckets
- Section: Using Copy Bucket Manager Batch Function Tools
- Section: Sharing Copy Buckets
- Section: Removing Contents from Copy Buckets
- Section: Deleting Copy Buckets
- Section: Record Buckets
- Creating New Record Buckets from the Bucket Manager
- Viewing Record Buckets
- Adding Records to Buckets when Viewing Records in the Catalog
- Creating New Record Buckets when Adding Records to Buckets
- Adding Records to Buckets from the Bucket Manager
- Copying Record Buckets
- Merging Records
- Additional Record Bucket Manager Batch Function Tools
- Sharing Record Buckets
- Removing Contents from Record Buckets
- Deleting Record Buckets
- Chapter: Booking - content from EquinoxDONE
Chapter: AcquisitionsLeave out of 1.6 since it is not functional until 2.0?- (In future: Serials and Course Reserves Chapters too)
Part: Administration
- Introduction and Intended Audience (mention any wiki pages that should be seen also for up to the minute info, as well as any general resources on server administration someone lacking experience might want to consult) - Robert SoulliereDONE
- Chapter: System Requirements and Recommended Configuration(s) - Robert SoulliereDONE
- Chapter: Evergreen Installation
- Section: Server-side Installation - Steve SheppardDONE
- Section: Installing Evergreen 1.6.1.x On Ubuntu and Debian
- Section: Installing OpenSRF 1.4.x On Ubuntu and Debian
- Section: Installing in Virtualized Unix EnvironmentsDONE
- Chapter: Staff Client Installation - Steve Sheppard
- Chapter: Upgrading to Version 1.6 from Version 1.4 - Robert Soulliere
- Chapter: Starting, Stopping, Backups, Security, and Maintenance (other miscellanea?) - Robert SoulliereDone - add and improve as needed
- Section: Starting, Stopping and Restarting OpenSRF/Evergreen
- Section: Backing Up (Evergreen database and files)
- Section: Security
- Section: Managing Log Files
- Section: Installing PostgreSQL from Source
- Section: Configuring PostgreSQL
- Section: Cron Jobs - Ben ShumASSIGNED
- Chapter: Server Administration (System-wide customization options) - Robert Soulliere & Roma Matott
- Section: Organizational Unit Types and Organizational UnitsDONE
- Section: User and Group PermissionsDONE
- Section: Copy StatusDONE
- Section: MARC CodesNEEDED
- Section: Billing TypesDONE
- Section: Z39.50 ServersNEEDED
- Section: Circulation ModifiersDONE
- Section: Booking Module - Jeremy BuhlerDONE
- adapted from
- Section: Email NotificationsDONE
- Section: Cataloging TemplatesDONE
- Section: Adjusting Search Relevancy RankingsDONE
- Chapter: Local Administration (Local customizatioon options & tools for admin staff at all org-unit levels, excluding reporting which gets its own chapter)
- Section:Receipt Template EditorDONE
- Section:Global Font and Sound SettingsDONE
- Section:Printer Settings EditorDONE
- Section:Closed Dates EditorDONE
- Section:Copy Locations EditorDONE
- Section:Library Settings EditorDONE
- Section:Non-Catalogued Type EditorDONE
- Section:Statistical Categories EditorDONE
- Section: Standing PenaltiesNEEDED
- Section: Group Penalty ThresholdsDONE
- Section: Field Documentation – Contributed by James FournieDONE
- Section: Notifications/Action TriggersNEEDED
- Section:SurveysDONE
- Section: ReportsDONE
- needs expanding: SQL reports, source information
- Section:Cash ReportsDONE
- Section: Transit ListNEEDED
- Section: Circulation PoliciesNEEDED
- Section: Hold PoliciesNEEDED
- Chapter: Migrating Data (general principles, perhaps supplemented with specific examples when possible?) - Robert Soulliere, contribution by Repke de Vries, IISHNEEDS review and examples.
- Chapter: Z39.50 Server - Robert Soulliere
- Chapter: SIP2 - Robert Soulliere
- Chapter: Localization and Languages - Contribution by Tigran ZargaryanASSIGNED
- Chapter: Troubleshooting - Robert Soulliere
- Chapter: Action Triggers - Robert SoulliereDONE
- Chapter: Booking Module Administration - Jeremy BuhlerDONE
Part: Reports
- Chapter: Starting and Stopping the Reporter DaemonDONE
- Chapter: Folders (Robert Soulliere from SITKA DocBook)DONE
- Chapter: Creating Templates (Robert Soulliere from SITKA DocBook)DONE
- Chapter: Generating Reports from Templates (Robert Soulliere from SITKA DocBook)DONE
- Chapter: Viewing Report Output (Robert Soulliere from SITKA DocBook)DONE
- Chapter: Cloning Shared Templates (Robert Soulliere from SITKA DocBook)DONE
- Chapter: Running Recurring Reports (Robert Soulliere from SITKA DocBook)DONE
- Chapter: Template Terminology (Robert Soulliere from SITKA DocBook)DONE
- Chapter: SQL ReportsNEEDED
Part: Third Party System Integration
- Introduction and Intended Audience
- Chapter: Integrating Evergreen Data in Third Party ApplicationsNEEDED
- Section: OpenSRF (potential overlap with Developement -> API -> OpenSRF)
- Section: SuperCat
- Section: SRU (Z39.50 [EG as target] deliberately left out)
- Section: OpenSearch
- Section: unAPI
- Section: SIP2
- Section: Feeds
- Section: Asteriks and other Telephony Systems
- Section: EDI
Part: Development
- Introduction and Intended AudienceDONE
- Chapter: OpenSRF Introduction (from Dan Scott's Article; Robert Soulliere will convert to docbook) -DONE
- Chapter: Developing OpenSRF and Evergreen Applications (from Dan Scott's Workshop; Robert Soulliere will convert to docbook;) -DONE
- Chapter: Intro to SQL (from Dan Scott's tutorial; Robert Soulliere will convert to docbook.)DONE
- Chapter: JSON - Robert Soulliere will convert content from wiki
- Chapter: File Structure and Configuration FilesDONE
- Chapter: Customizing the Staff Client (theme, labels & messages)DONE
- Chapter: Customizing the OPAC - Robert Soullere
- Section: Color Schemes
- Section: Text and Labels
- Section: Logo Images
- Section: Added ContentDONE
- Section: Customizing the Results PageDONE
- Section: Customizing the Details PageDONE
- Section: BibTemplateDONE - partly based on:[]=bibtemplate and from Dan Scott's presentation at the Evergreen International Conference, 2010
- Section: Integrated Catalog Search BoxDONE
- Section: Customizing the SlimpacDONE
- Chapter: SuperCat Web Services
- Section: Searching with SuperCat - Robert Soulliere
- Section: Customizing SuperCat Results -done - very basic
- Section: Adding Formats to SuperCat -done - very basic
- GlossaryNeeds Work
- Indexgenerated by DocBook but editors need to indicate which terms will be indexed.
- Installation and Configuration Checklist (quick checklist of tasks to install and configure Evergreen)DONE
- Database Schemas (Robert Soulliere) -auto-generated using autodoc
- About This Documentation and DIG (Call for participation & credit for participants)DONE
- More Information (point to, mailing lists, etc)DONE