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Notes from the EG Taskforce Conference Call: 2010-08-10
August 10, 2010; 9:00 – 10:00 AM (Central)
In attendance: Katherine Gregory (PINES), Amy Terlaga (Bibliomation), Jenny Turner (PALS)
Katherine is joining the taskforce as a representative from PINES. She has been with PINES through the development of Evergreen. PINES is on v. 1.4.
Amy provided a brief intro to Bibliomation's work. Bibliomation runs most reports through SQL; reports are currently run for the development partner libraries. Bibliomation is on v. 1.6.
Jenny provided a brief into to PALS. Most of PALS reports are run using the Equinox templates (or other templates). Libraries run their own reports through these templates. PALS is on v. 1.6.
Amy reported that KCLS is interested in having representation on the taskforce, but will be unable to send a representative to meetings until October.
Around the time this meeting was called, the reports taskforce changed mailing lists; Jenny thinks she may have sent meeting info to the wrong list (apologies).
There haven't been many additional SQL reports shared, but at least the space is there.
Bibliomation has been exploring PG Agent for scheduling SQL reports. Amy hopes to have a report on PG Agent's capabilities by the next time the taskforce meets.
SQL reports seem to provide more reliable numbers than those created through templates.
Amy highly recommended SQL training for people working with reports. Dan Scott did training for Bibliomation.
SQL commands may be used for troubleshooting. Amy will set up a place on the wiki to share these.
Canned Reports
PINES is still on v. 1.4 and not using the canned reports. Amy and Jenny answered a few questions regarding these reports.
PINES has added to KCLS' initial canned report, including:
- Directors interface
- Broad template interface (dropdown menus for filters, checkboxes to filter by)
Nancy Studebaker has also worked on documents for a reports interface.
Even the canned reports are not easy to work with; it's hard to pinpoint where errors occur. It would be great if the SQL reports could be plugged into a graphical interface.
Task for the Taskforce: mock-up what we want for a reports interface. Katherine will send a link to her document for PINES reports for us to start looking at and building off of.
Katherine asked about "Classic Circulation" as a source option in v. 1.6. She had heard that this was no longer being supported. It is still there, but neither Amy nor Jenny were sure if they were functional. Jenny will try creating reports using these options (specifically using "Dewey Block" options) using Katherine as a resource. Once created, Amy will talk to Galen about sharing templates more easily.
Next Meeting
At this time, it seems that regularly scheduled monthly meetings would be appropriate. Jenny will send out a few proposed times to the correct list. We will aim for 2:00 ET to accommodate KCLS in future meetings.