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Sample Report Templates and SQL Queries

This page is a work in progress

Report Template Posting Guidelines

When posting a report template to these pages, please include:

  1. A descriptive title for the template.
  2. A brief description of what the template does and how it can be used
  3. Attribution so that you or your organization can be contacted with questions about the template
  4. A screenshot of filters and display fields. Take your screenshot BEFORE changing the label if possible, and/or include "Column" in the grid

Report Template Categories

Old Sample Report Templates

Templates below are meant for use with older versions of Evergreen (2.0 and earlier). Use with caution!


SQL Report Categories

evergreen-reports/sample_reports.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/07 15:26 by jventuro

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The Evergreen Project is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization.