Table of Contents
Item Reports
These are reports based on items (aka, copies).
Basic Weeding List
Submitted by Terran McCanna, PINES
List of items to be considered for weeding. Filter by library, number of circulations (less than x), and last circulation date (before).
Click the images below to enlarge them.
List of Items Added
Submitted by Terran McCanna, PINES
This template provides a list of items added to a library during a specified date range.
Click the images below to enlarge them.
List of Items Deleted
Submitted by Terran McCanna, PINES
This template provides a list of items deleted during the specified date range along with the item price and user name of the staff person who deleted the item.
Click the images below to enlarge them.
List of Items with Incorrect Shelving Locations
Submitted by Terran McCanna, PINES
List of items whose owning library does not match their shelving location's owning library. (Note: Choose the same branch for BOTH branch dropdowns.)
Click the images below to enlarge them.
List of Items Marked Claims Returned
Submitted by Terran McCanna, PINES
List of Claimed Returned items filtered by library and fines stopped date. This report can be used to search the shelves for items that may have been returned but were not checked in. If items are found, they will need to be checked in and removed from the patron accounts.
Click the images below to enlarge them.
List of Pre-Cats
Submitted by Terran McCanna, PINES
Use this report to identify undeleted, pre-cataloged items that may have been returned but not routed to the proper location for record cleanup.
Click the images below to enlarge them.
My Library's Items In Transit
Submitted by Terran McCanna, PINES
List of items owned by a selected library that are currently in transit between any locations. (This is different from the Transit interface in the staff client which is based on the location sending/receiving items rather than the owner of the items.)
Click the images below to enlarge them.
List Items by Copy/Item Bucket
Submitted by Jessica Woolford
See a list of items in a copy bucket by ID, with circ and last circ date.
Click the images below to enlarge them.
List Duplicate Items on Record by Owning Library
Submitted by Jessica Woolford
List where more than one copy owned by the same library is on the same bib record.
List of Items by Subject Heading
Submitted by PINES Staff
Option 1
Source: Item
Display Fields:
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Owning Library -> Short (Policy) Name as "Owning Library"
- Item -> Circulation Modifier as "Circ Mod"
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Bib Record -> Flattened MARC Fields -> Tag
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Bib Record -> Flattened MARC Fields -> Subfield
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Bib Record -> Flattened MARC Fields -> Normalized Value
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Bib Record -> Flattened MARC Fields -> Field ID (Count) as "Count"
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Owning Library -> Organizational Unit ID (In list)
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Bib Record -> Flattened MARC Fields -> Tag (Equals) 655
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Bib Record -> Flattened MARC Fields -> Subfield (Equals) a
- Item -> Is Deleted (Equals) False
- Item -> Creation Date/Time (Date) (Between)
Option 2
Usage: Designed for a report of items by subject. For that, add list of subject fields (e.g. "650", "655"), a list of subfields to search (e.g. "a"), and a list of subjects in lowercase (e.g. "Christmas"
Source: Item
Displayed Fields:
- Item -> Circulating Library -> Short (Policy) Name as "Circ Library"
- Item -> Shelving Location -> Name as "Shelving Location"
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Call Number Label
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Bib Record -> Simple Record Extracts -> Author (normalized) as "Author"
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Bib Record -> Simple Record Extracts -> Title Proper (normalized) as "Title"
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Bib Record -> Flattened MARC Fields -> Tag as "MARC tag"
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Bib Record -> Flattened MARC Fields -> Subfield as "MARC subfield"
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Bib Record -> Flattened MARC Fields -> Normalized Value as "Marc value"
- Item -> Barcode
- Item -> Circulations -> Circ ID (Count)
Base Filters:
- Item -> Is Deleted (Equals) (False)
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Bib Record -> Flattened MARC Fields -> Tag (In list)
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Bib Record -> Flattened MARC Fields -> Subfield (In list)
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Bib Record -> Flattened MARC Fields -> Normalized Value (In list)
- Item -> Call Number/Volume -> Bib Record -> Record ID (Greater than) (0)
- Item -> Circulating Library -> Organizational Unit ID (In list)