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Notes from the Evergreen Reports Task Force Conference Call

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February 9, 2011 – 2:30PM-3:30PM EDT

Conference line: 1-507-389-1014


  • Volunteer for notetaker
  • Intros
  • Item from developers via Ben Shum: wiki space re-organization
  • Mailing list update, if any
  • Conference update
  • DIG update
  • 2.0 Report testing
  • Other

In attendance

  • Jenny Turner (PALS) – coordinator
  • Cristina Hernandez Trotter (Oconee Regional Library Syste/PINES) – notetaker
  • Katherine Gregory (GPLS PINES)
  • Amy Terloga (Bibliomation)
  • Elaine Grevenitis (TNRD Library System/SITKA)


  • Members briefly introduced themselves as they joined the conference call.

Item from developers via Ben Shum: wiki space re-organization

  • To improve findability of pages on the wiki, a new page name structure has been recommended. Details about the page name structure can be found here:
  • Jenny reported that Ben has volunteered to rename the task force's current pages.

Mailing list update

  • Katherine reported that GPLS is still working on the servers that will host the mailing list. Announcements will be made once the mailing list is available.

Conference update

  • Amy reports that they are close to finalizing the conference sessions. There were 4 or 5 reports session proposals submitted. Altogether there were 45 proposals submitted, and only 30 slots. For those whose session proposal was not accepted, Amy suggested the lightening talks as another possible venue at the conference.
  • Interest group sessions will be held on the first day of the conference, same day as hackfest.
  • Efforts will be made to ensure that the Documentation Interest Group and the Reports Task Force session times do not overlap.
  • Jenny suggested that the task force take nominations for the coordinator position at the interest group session. While she is willing to continue in the coordinator position, she would like to make the leadership position available to others.

DIG Update

  • The DIG group continues to ask for help with reports documentation. In particular, they are now asking for a reports documentation coordinator. While Jenny has been acting in that role up to this point, she invites others to volunteer for the position.
  • Jenny encourages everyone to look at documentation outlines for both 1.6 and 2.0 available on the wiki. More ideas for reports documentation needs to be added to these outlines. Any ideas for reports documentation can be either added directly to the wiki, or if you do not have wiki editing privileges yet, you can send ideas directly to Jenny or DIG.
  • Jenny reported that Dan Scott volunteered to write documentation on the forcing nullability feature now available in 1.6.
  • Jenny pointed out that we still need documentation on SQL reports and other advanced topics.

2.0 reports

  • Jenny and Amy looked at some of the 2.0 reports on their test servers. There was some discussion on if there are any new canned report templates available or not.
  • After the meeting Jenny contacted Shea at ESI about 2.0 canned reports. Shea responded that there are no additional canned reports in 2.0. However, there were new reporting sources added to 2.0 due to acquisitions, serials, and circulation work ESI did for King County.

Next Meeting

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 - 2:30PM-3:30PM ET

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evergreen-reports/notes/2011-02-09.1297368709.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:33 (external edit)

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