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Monthly Circulation Statistical Reports

Monthly Circulation Stat Report by Statistical Category and Library

Submission Notes: This report was submitted on 5/19/10 by Amy Terlaga of Bibliomation, Inc. It was originally created by Dan Scott of Laurentian University.

Version: Evergreen v.

Data Sources Used:

Running Tips/Guidelines: This report is designed to be run the day/month AFTER the month you are interested in getting monthly circulation totals. If you would like it to reflect this month's activity, remove - '1 month'::interval If you would like it to reflect activity from two months ago, change the 1 to a 2 (and so on). Where you see ORG, replace with your org unit's short name.

SELECT AS "Library", asceum.stat_cat_entry AS "Borrower Stat", COUNT( AS "COUNT"
  FROM action.circulation acirc
  JOIN actor.org_unit aou ON acirc.circ_lib =
  LEFT OUTER JOIN actor.stat_cat_entry_usr_map asceum ON asceum.target_usr = acirc.usr
  LEFT OUTER JOIN actor.stat_cat astat ON asceum.stat_cat =
  WHERE aou.shortname = **'ORG'**::text AND date_trunc('MONTH'::text, acirc.create_time) = date_trunc('MONTH'::text, now() - '1 mon'::INTERVAL)
  GROUP BY, asceum.stat_cat_entry
SELECT 'ZZZ Total' AS "Library", '' AS "Borrower Stat", COUNT( AS "COUNT"
  FROM action.circulation acirc
  JOIN actor.org_unit aou ON acirc.circ_lib =
  LEFT OUTER JOIN actor.stat_cat_entry_usr_map asceum ON asceum.target_usr = acirc.usr
  LEFT OUTER JOIN actor.stat_cat astat ON asceum.stat_cat =
  WHERE aou.shortname = **'ORG'**::text 
  AND date_trunc('MONTH'::text, acirc.create_time) = date_trunc('MONTH'::text, now() - '1 mon'::INTERVAL)
ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;

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evergreen-reports/sql/circulation/monthly_circ_stat_reports.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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