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Reports about Reports

These reports will help you determine how staff are using report templates in your library or consortium.

Templates Used by Library, Report Runner, and Date Range

Submitted by Jessica Woolford, Bibliomation. Adapted from a template developed by Allison Midgley, Westchester Library System

This template shows all templates used during a specific date range, with template folder and owner. It indicates if the reports run are recurring and the number of times they were run within the date range.

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Unused Templates

Submitted by Jessica Woolford, Bibliomation

This template lists templates that have had no reports run from them since before a given date. It will also show templates that have no reports run from them. This could be useful in weeding unused templates in shared folders.

Many consortia or libraries purge old report data after a certain length of time. Check with your system administrator if you're not sure how long report data is retained. Purged report data will NOT appear on this report. For example, if your library or consortium purges report data after 1 month and you run a report from this template looking for templates that haven't been used in 2 months, the output you get back will not be accurate because the 2-month-old reports would have been purged the previous month. Templates listed will appear unused even though they may have had use in the timeframe you were interested in.

Click images below to enlarge them.

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evergreen-reports/templates/reports.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/27 13:06 by jventuro

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