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Evergreen Reports Taskforce Meeting: 2012-03-30

Time: 2:30 pm Eastern

Place: #Evergreen IRC channel. Anyone interested in reports is welcome to attend.

  1. Introductions and Volunteer for Minutes
    1. It was agreed that MeetBot would take our minutes, however a significant portion of the JasperReports update was missed. Therefore, Jenny offered to create these minutes at the end of the meeting.
    2. Present:
      1. Jenny Turner, PALS
      2. Jeff Godin, Traverse Area District Library (TADL)
      3. Amy Terlaga, Bibliomation
      4. Ben Shum, Bibliomation
      5. Galen Charlton, Equinox
      6. Thomas Berezansky, MVLC
      7. Jason Etheridge, Equinox
  2. Review and approval of the MeetBot Notes from March 5.
    1. Approved.
  3. Old Business and updates - SKIPPED for time/no new updates.
    1. Documentation
      1. Please review what exists and submit what is needed to Jenny (jennifer.turner(at)
      2. Update on 2.1 and data source documentation
      3. Reports Documentation for future releases (2.2)
      4. Site-specific documentation can be linked to the DocuWiki Page. This documentation may be of use to other Evergreen sites!
    2. JasperReports update from Jeff
      1. JasperSoft makes a number of software products under the JasperSomething name, including tools which are available under "community edition" open source licenses / free to use. They also offer commercial paid products.
      2. TADL has been using JasperReports Server as a web frontend for a self-service reporting interface for staff, and using iReport to design the report templates. If you have an SQL report, you can turn it into a JasperReports report template, give parameters that staff can be prompted to enter, etc.
      3. I've got a demo server up with a very basic pair of reports. Between now and the conference, I'll be fleshing it (or its replacement) out with more reports (and more data – so that the reports are less boring).
        1. Log in with the read-only username and password of egdemo / open-ils
        2. Once there, probably the easiest way to navigate is to pick Reports from the View menu/navigation across the top. If you run the "User Profile Counts" report – simply click it – you'll see a count of users in profile groups by library location. This is just using some demo/sample data on a 2.1 system. If you then click the name of one of the profile groups in the report output, it should run a drill-down report which will list all of the patrons (family, first, and username) in that group. On the left-hand side, you'll see options where you can change the criteria, to see just users with a certain home OU, or to see users in a different group.
      4. Jeff is planning to create reports for all of the SQL reports listed in the Evergreen wiki. Beyond that, and what reports TADL is using, he's open for other suggestions. Perhaps starting in on the canned reports that were contributed some time back.
      5. Reports export to pdf, excel, etc. Users can log in and schedule reports and have the report output (say, pdf) emailed to them – or they can log in to the web interface to retrieve it.
      6. It can tie to an ldap server (such as active directory) for staff logins – TADL uses this.
      7. TADL also has reports for other non-ils data, such as our soft stats, wireless/public computing stats, visitor counts, etc.
      8. Jeff will probably not be at the Reports Interest Group meeting at the conference, but Amy will give a summary of this work and steer people towards Jeff's presentation devoted to JasperReports later at the conference.
    3. Evergreen reports-related activities at Evergreen Annual Conference
      1. Ideas for the Reports Interest Group meeting/Small Group Discussion Topics and Leaders Interest Group Meeting Agenda (Brainstorming)
    4. Anything else from past meetings?
  4. New Business

Next meeting: April 25, 2012; 1:00-2:30 at the Evergreen International Conference in Indianapolis, IN - Interest Group Meeting Agenda

evergreen-reports/meetings/2012-03-30.1333468357.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:33 (external edit)

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