Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Barcode | barcode | text |
User | usr | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Check In Library | checkin_lib | org_unit |
Check In Staff | checkin_staff | link |
Circulating Library | circ_lib | org_unit |
Circulating Staff | circ_staff | link |
Desk Renewal | desk_renewal | bool |
Circulation Duration | duration | interval |
Circ Duration Rule | duration_rule | link |
Fine Interval | fine_interval | interval |
Max Fine Rule | max_fine_rule | link |
OPAC Renewal | opac_renewal | bool |
Phone Renewal | phone_renewal | bool |
Recurring Fine Rule | recuring_fine_rule | link |
Fine Stop Reason | stop_fines | text |
Circulating Item | target_copy | link |
Patron ZIP | usr_post_code | text |
Transaction Billings | billings | link |
Transaction Payments | payments | link |
Base Transaction | billable_transaction | link |
Circulation Type | circ_type | text |
Billing Totals | billing_total | money |
Payment Totals | payment_total | money |
Patron Home Library | usr_home_ou | link |
Patron Profile Group | usr_profile | link |
Patron Birth Year | usr_birth_year | int |
Call Number | copy_call_number | link |
Shelving Location | copy_location | link |
Copy Owning Library | copy_owning_lib | link |
Copy Circulating Library | copy_circ_lib | link |
Bib Record | copy_bib_record | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Copies | copies | link |
Creating User | creator | link |
Is Deleted | deleted | bool |
Last Editing User | editor | link |
Call Number Label | label | text |
Owning Library | owning_lib | org_unit |
Bib Record | record | link |
Notes | notes | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | create_date | timestamp |
Undefined | creator | link |
Undefined | pub | bool |
Undefined | title | text |
Undefined | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Statistical Catagory Entries | stat_cat_entries | link |
Age Hold Protection | age_protect | link |
Alert Message | alert_message | text |
Barcode | barcode | text |
Circulating Library | circ_lib | org_unit |
Circulation Modifier | circ_modifier | text |
Can Circulate | circulate | bool |
Copy Number on Volume | copy_number | text |
Creating User | creator | link |
Is Deleted | deleted | bool |
Is Deposit Required | deposit | bool |
Precat Dummy Author | dummy_author | text |
Precat Dummy Title | dummy_title | text |
Last Editing User | editor | link |
Fine Level | fine_level | int |
Copy ID | id | id |
Loan Duration | loan_duration | int |
Shelving Location | location | link |
Is Reference | ref | bool |
Copy Status | status | link |
Copy Notes | notes | link |
Circulations | circulations | link |
Total Circulations | total_circ_count | link |
Holds | holds | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Location ID | id | id |
Owning Org Unit | owning_lib | org_unit |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Note Creator | creator | link |
Copy | owning_copy | link |
Note Title | title | text |
Note Content | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Entries | entries | link |
OPAC Visible | opac_visible | bool |
Owning Library | owner | org_unit |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Entry Owner | owner | link |
Stat Cat | stat_cat | link |
Entry Value | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Statistical Category | stat_cat | link |
Entry Text | stat_cat_entry | text |
User | target_usr | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | hold | link |
Undefined | target_copy | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Hold | hold | link |
Notification Method | method | text |
Notification Note | note | text |
Notifying Staff | notify_staff | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Fulfilling Library | fulfillment_lib | org_unit |
Hold Type | hold_type | text |
Notifications Phone Number | phone_notify | text |
Pickup Library | pickup_lib | org_unit |
Requesting Library | request_lib | org_unit |
Requesting User | requestor | link |
Selection Locus | selection_ou | org_unit |
Target Object ID | target | link |
Hold User | usr | link |
Notifications | notify_time | timestamp |
Bib Record link | notifications | link |
Eligible Copies | bib_rec | link |
Currently Frozen | eligible_copies | link |
Undefined | frozen | bool |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Copy Status at Transit | copy_status | link |
Destination Library | dest | org_unit |
Hold requiring Transit | hold | link |
Previous Stop | prev_hop | link |
Sending Library | source | org_unit |
Transited Copy | target_copy | link |
Base Transit | transit_copy | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Using Library | org_unit | org_unit |
Recording Staff | staff | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Matchpoint ID | matchpoint | id |
Success | success | bool |
Failure Part | fail_part | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Circulating Library | circ_lib | org_unit |
Patron | patron | link |
Circulating Staff | staff | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | hold | link |
Undefined | target_copy | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Hold | hold | link |
Notification Method | method | text |
Notification Note | note | text |
Notifying Staff | notify_staff | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Fulfilling Library | fulfillment_lib | org_unit |
Hold Type | hold_type | text |
Notifications Phone Number | phone_notify | text |
Pickup Library | pickup_lib | org_unit |
Requesting Library | request_lib | org_unit |
Requesting User | requestor | link |
Selection Locus | selection_ou | org_unit |
Target Object ID | target | link |
Hold User | usr | link |
Notifications | notify_time | timestamp |
Bib Record link | notifications | link |
Eligible Copies | bib_rec | link |
Currently Frozen | eligible_copies | link |
Undefined | frozen | bool |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Copy Status at Transit | copy_status | link |
Destination Library | dest | org_unit |
Hold requiring Transit | hold | link |
Previous Stop | prev_hop | link |
Sending Library | source | org_unit |
Transited Copy | target_copy | link |
Base Transit | transit_copy | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Using Library | org_unit | org_unit |
Recording Staff | staff | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Matchpoint ID | matchpoint | id |
Success | success | bool |
Failure Part | fail_part | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Circulating Library | circ_lib | org_unit |
Patron | patron | link |
Circulating Staff | staff | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Item Type | item_type | link |
Using Library | org_unit | org_unit |
Recording Staff | staff | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | address_type | text |
Undefined | city | text |
Undefined | country | text |
Undefined | county | text |
Undefined | org_unit | org_unit |
Undefined | post_code | text |
Undefined | state | text |
Undefined | street1 | text |
Undefined | street2 | text |
Undefined | valid | bool |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | checkin_lib | link |
Undefined | checkin_staff | link |
Undefined | checkin_time | timestamp |
Undefined | circ_lib | org_unit |
Undefined | circ_staff | link |
Undefined | desk_renewal | bool |
Undefined | due_date | timestamp |
Undefined | duration | interval |
Undefined | duration_rule | link |
Undefined | fine_interval | interval |
Undefined | max_fine_rule | link |
Undefined | opac_renewal | bool |
Undefined | phone_renewal | bool |
Undefined | recuring_fine_rule | link |
Undefined | stop_fines | text |
Undefined | stop_fines_time | timestamp |
Undefined | target_copy | link |
Undefined | usr | link |
Undefined | circulation | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Subordinate Organizational Units | children | org_unit |
Billing Address | billing_address | link |
Holds Receiving Address | holds_address | link |
Organizational Unit ID | id | org_unit |
ILL Receiving Address | ill_address | link |
Mailing Address | mailing_address | link |
Organizational Unit Type | ou_type | link |
Parent Organizational Unit | parent_ou | link |
Email Address | email | text |
Phone Number | phone | text |
OPAC Visible | opac_visible | bool |
Users | users | link |
Closed Dates | closed_dates | link |
Circulations | circulations | link |
Settings | settings | link |
Addresses | addresses | link |
Checkins | checkins | link |
Workstations | workstations | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | org_unit | org_unit |
Undefined | reason | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | org_unit | org_unit |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | from_org | org_unit |
Undefined | to_org | org_unit |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | name | text |
Undefined | org_unit | org_unit |
Undefined | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Subordinate Types | children | link |
Type ID | id | id |
Parent Type | parent | link |
Org Units | org_units | org_unit |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | active | bool |
Undefined | create_date | timestamp |
Undefined | deleted | bool |
Undefined | edit_date | timestamp |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | create_date | timestamp |
Undefined | creator | link |
Undefined | edit_date | timestamp |
Undefined | editor | link |
Undefined | record | link |
Undefined | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Entries | entries | link |
OPAC Visible | opac_visible | bool |
Owning Library | owner | org_unit |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Entry Owner | owner | link |
Stat Cat | stat_cat | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | owning_copy | link |
Undefined | stat_cat | link |
Undefined | stat_cat_entry | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Questions | questions | link |
Responses | responses | link |
Description | description | text |
Survey ID | id | id |
Name | name | text |
Owning Library | owner | org_unit |
Display in User Summary | usr_summary | bool |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Responses using this Answer | responses | link |
Answer Text | answer | text |
Question | question | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Answers | answers | link |
Responses | responses | link |
Question | question | text |
Survey | survey | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Answer | answer | link |
Question | question | link |
Survey | survey | link |
Responding User | usr | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | create_date | timestamp |
Undefined | creator | link |
Undefined | edit_date | timestamp |
Undefined | editor | link |
Undefined | record | link |
Undefined | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Entries | entries | link |
OPAC Visible | opac_visible | bool |
Owning Library | owner | org_unit |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Entry Owner | owner | link |
Stat Cat | stat_cat | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | owning_copy | link |
Undefined | stat_cat | link |
Undefined | stat_cat_entry | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Questions | questions | link |
Responses | responses | link |
Description | description | text |
Survey ID | id | id |
Name | name | text |
Owning Library | owner | org_unit |
Display in User Summary | usr_summary | bool |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Responses using this Answer | responses | link |
Answer Text | answer | text |
Question | question | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Answers | answers | link |
Responses | responses | link |
Question | question | text |
Survey | survey | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Answer | answer | link |
Question | question | link |
Survey | survey | link |
Responding User | usr | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Pretransit Copy Status | copy_status | bool |
Destination | dest | link |
Transit ID | id | id |
Source | source | link |
Transited Copy | target_copy | link |
Hold Transit | hold_transit_copy | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
All Addresses | addresses | link |
All Library Cards | cards | link |
All Circulations | checkouts | link |
All Hold Requests | hold_requests | link |
All Permissions | permissions | link |
All User Settings | settings | link |
Standing Penalties | standing_penalties | link |
Statistical Category Entries | stat_cat_entries | link |
Survey Responses | survey_responses | link |
Active | ws_ou | link |
Alert Message | wsid | link |
Barred | active | bool |
Physical Address | alert_message | text |
Current Library Card | barred | bool |
Daytime Phone | billing_address | link |
Date of Birth | card | link |
Email Address | day_phone | text |
Evening Phone | dob | timestamp |
Privilege Expiration Date | email | text |
Last Name | evening_phone | text |
First Name | expire_date | timestamp |
Home Library | family_name | text |
Primary Identification Type | first_given_name | text |
Secondary Identification Type | home_ou | org_unit |
Primary Identification | ident_type | link |
Secondary Identification | ident_type2 | link |
Mailing Address | ident_value | text |
Is Group Lead Account | ident_value2 | text |
Internet Access Level | last_xact_id | text |
Other Phone | mailing_address | link |
Photo URL | master_account | bool |
Prefix | net_access_level | link |
Middle Name | other_phone | text |
Is Super User | photo_url | text |
Family Linkage or other Group | prefix | text |
Additional Permission Groups | second_given_name | text |
Is Deleted | super_user | bool |
User Notes | usrgroup | int |
Demographic Info | groups | link |
Billable Transactions | deleted | bool |
Checkins | notes | link |
Circulations Performed as Staff | demographic | link |
Undefined | billable_transactions | link |
Undefined | checkins | link |
Undefined | performed_circulations | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Pretransit Copy Status | copy_status | bool |
Destination | dest | link |
Transit ID | id | id |
Source | source | link |
Transited Copy | target_copy | link |
Hold Transit | hold_transit_copy | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
All Addresses | addresses | link |
All Library Cards | cards | link |
All Circulations | checkouts | link |
All Hold Requests | hold_requests | link |
All Permissions | permissions | link |
All User Settings | settings | link |
Standing Penalties | standing_penalties | link |
Statistical Category Entries | stat_cat_entries | link |
Survey Responses | survey_responses | link |
Active | ws_ou | link |
Alert Message | wsid | link |
Barred | active | bool |
Physical Address | alert_message | text |
Current Library Card | barred | bool |
Daytime Phone | billing_address | link |
Date of Birth | card | link |
Email Address | day_phone | text |
Evening Phone | dob | timestamp |
Privilege Expiration Date | email | text |
Last Name | evening_phone | text |
First Name | expire_date | timestamp |
Home Library | family_name | text |
Primary Identification Type | first_given_name | text |
Secondary Identification Type | home_ou | org_unit |
Primary Identification | ident_type | link |
Secondary Identification | ident_type2 | link |
Mailing Address | ident_value | text |
Is Group Lead Account | ident_value2 | text |
Internet Access Level | last_xact_id | text |
Other Phone | mailing_address | link |
Photo URL | master_account | bool |
Prefix | net_access_level | link |
Middle Name | other_phone | text |
Is Super User | photo_url | text |
Family Linkage or other Group | prefix | text |
Additional Permission Groups | second_given_name | text |
Is Deleted | super_user | bool |
User Notes | usrgroup | int |
Demographic Info | groups | link |
Billable Transactions | deleted | bool |
Checkins | notes | link |
Circulations Performed as Staff | demographic | link |
Undefined | billable_transactions | link |
Undefined | checkins | link |
Undefined | performed_circulations | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Type | address_type | text |
City | city | text |
Country | country | text |
County | county | text |
Postal Code | post_code | text |
State | state | text |
User | usr | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Hold | hold | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Creating Staff | creator | link |
Note Title | title | text |
Note Content | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Workstation | opt_in_ws | link |
Staff Member | staff | link |
User | usr | link |
Allowed Org Unit | org_unit | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Name | name | text |
User | usr | link |
Value | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | penalty_type | text |
Undefined | usr | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Workstation ID | id | id |
Workstation Name | name | text |
Owning Library | owning_lib | org_unit |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Call Numbers | call_numbers | link |
Fixed Field Entry | fixed_fields | link |
Record Creator | creator | link |
Last Editing User | editor | link |
Fingerprint | fingerprint | text |
Last Transaction ID | last_xact_id | text |
MARC21Slim | marc | text |
Record Source | source | link |
TCN Source | tcn_source | text |
TCN Value | tcn_value | text |
Metarecord | metarecord | link |
Language Code | language | link |
Indexed Keyword Field Entries | keyword_field_entries | link |
Indexed Subject Field Entries | subject_field_entries | link |
Indexed Title Field Entries | title_field_entries | link |
Indexed Author Field Entries | author_field_entries | link |
Indexed Series Field Entries | series_field_entries | link |
Flattened MARC Fields | full_record_entries | link |
Simple Record Extracts | simple_record | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | create_date | timestamp |
Undefined | creator | link |
Undefined | edit_date | timestamp |
Undefined | editor | link |
Undefined | pub | bool |
Undefined | record | link |
Undefined | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Audience Code | code | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Bib Level Code | code | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | items | link |
Undefined | btype | text |
Undefined | name | text |
Undefined | owner | link |
Undefined | pub | bool |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | bucket | link |
Undefined | target_biblio_record_entry | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | id | id |
Undefined | source | text |
Undefined | transcendant | bool |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | btype | text |
Undefined | name | text |
Undefined | owner | link |
Undefined | pub | bool |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | target_copy | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Code | code | id |
Magnetic Media | magnetic_media | bool |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Test ID | id | id |
Matchpoint ID | matchpoint | link |
Items Out | items_out | int |
Circulation Modifier | circ_mod | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Matchpoint ID | id | id |
Org Unit | org_unit | link |
Permission Group | grp | link |
Circulation Modifier | circ_modifier | link |
MARC Type | marc_type | link |
MARC Form | marc_form | link |
Videorecording Format | marc_vr_format | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Matchpoint ID | matchpoint | id |
Duration Rule | duration_rule | link |
Recurring Fine Rule | recurring_fine_rule | link |
Max Fine Rule | max_fine_rule | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Matchpoint ID | matchpoint | id |
Max Items Out | max_items_out | int |
Max Overdue | max_overdue | int |
Max Fines | max_fines | money |
Test Script | script_test | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | items | link |
Undefined | btype | text |
Undefined | name | text |
Undefined | owner | link |
Undefined | pub | bool |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | bucket | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | holdable | bool |
Undefined | id | id |
Undefined | opac_visible | bool |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Matchpoint ID | id | id |
User Home Library | user_home_ou | link |
Request Library | request_ou | link |
Pickup Library | pickup_ou | link |
Owning Library | item_owning_ou | link |
Item Circ Library | item_circ_ou | link |
User Permission Group | usr_grp | link |
Requestor Permission Group | requestor_grp | link |
Circulation Modifier | circ_modifier | link |
MARC Type | marc_type | link |
MARC Form | marc_form | link |
Videorecording Format | marc_vr_format | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Matchpoint ID | matchpoint | link |
Transit Range | transit_range | int |
Max Holds | max_holds | int |
Max includes Frozen | include_frozen_holds | bool |
Copy Age Hold Protection Rule | age_hold_protect_rule | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Item Form Code | code | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Check In Library | checkin_lib | org_unit |
Check In Staff | checkin_staff | link |
Circulating Library | circ_lib | org_unit |
Circulating Staff | circ_staff | link |
Desk Renewal | desk_renewal | bool |
Circulation Duration | duration | interval |
Circ Duration Rule | duration_rule | link |
Fine Interval | fine_interval | interval |
Max Fine Rule | max_fine_rule | link |
OPAC Renewal | opac_renewal | bool |
Phone Renewal | phone_renewal | bool |
Recurring Fine Rule | recuring_fine_rule | link |
Fine Stop Reason | stop_fines | text |
Circulating Item | target_copy | link |
Patron | usr | link |
Transaction Billings | billings | link |
Transaction Payments | payments | link |
Base Transaction | billable_transaction | link |
Circulation Type | circ_type | text |
Billing Totals | billing_total | money |
Payment Totals | payment_total | money |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Identification ID | id | id |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Item Type Code | code | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
LitF Code | code | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Language Code | code | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | name | text |
Undefined | xpath | text |
Undefined | format | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | id | id |
Undefined | name | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Circulation Duration | circ_duration | interval |
Owning Library | owning_lib | org_unit |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Check In Library | checkin_lib | org_unit |
Check In Staff | checkin_staff | link |
Circulating Library | circ_lib | org_unit |
Circulating Staff | circ_staff | link |
Desk Renewal | desk_renewal | bool |
Circulation Duration | duration | interval |
Circ Duration Rule | duration_rule | link |
Fine Interval | fine_interval | interval |
Max Fine Rule | max_fine_rule | link |
OPAC Renewal | opac_renewal | bool |
Phone Renewal | phone_renewal | bool |
Recurring Fine Rule | recuring_fine_rule | link |
Fine Stop Reason | stop_fines | text |
Circulating Item | target_copy | link |
Patron ZIP | usr_post_code | text |
Transaction Billings | billings | link |
Transaction Payments | payments | link |
Base Transaction | billable_transaction | link |
Circulation Type | circ_type | text |
Billing Totals | billing_total | money |
Payment Totals | payment_total | money |
Patron Home Library | usr_home_ou | link |
Patron Profile Group | usr_profile | link |
Patron Birth Year | usr_birth_year | int |
Call Number | copy_call_number | link |
Shelving Location | copy_location | link |
Copy Owning Library | copy_owning_lib | link |
Copy Circulating Library | copy_circ_lib | link |
Bib Record | copy_bib_record | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Item Age | age | interval |
Rule ID | id | id |
Rule Name | name | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | extended | interval |
Undefined | name | text |
Undefined | normal | interval |
Undefined | shrt | interval |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Rule ID | id | id |
Rule Name | name | text |
Is Percent | is_percent | bool |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | id | id |
Undefined | name | text |
Undefined | recurance_interval | interval |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | items | link |
Undefined | btype | text |
Undefined | name | text |
Undefined | owner | link |
Undefined | pub | bool |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | bucket | link |
Undefined | target_user | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Code | code | id |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Namespace URI | namespace_uri | text |
Namespace Prefix | prefix | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | fq_field | text |
Undefined | identity_value | text |
Undefined | translation | text |
Undefined | string | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | marc_code | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Pretransit Copy Status | copy_status | bool |
Destination | dest | link |
Transit ID | id | id |
Source | source | link |
Transited Copy | target_copy | link |
Hold Transit | hold_transit_copy | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | name | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | lasso | link |
Undefined | org_unit | org_unit |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | field | link |
Undefined | source | link |
Undefined | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Billing Timestamp | billing_ts | timestamp |
Billing Type | billing_type | text |
Note | note | text |
Void Timestamp | void_time | timestamp |
Voiding Staff Member | voider | link |
Transaction | xact | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Note | note | text |
Payment Type | payment_type | text |
Billable Transaction | xact | link |
Cash Payment Detail | cash_payment | link |
Credit Card Payment Detail | credit_card_payment | link |
Credit Payment Detail | credit_payment | link |
Check Payment Detail | check_payment | link |
Work Payment Detail | work_payment | link |
Forgive Payment Detail | forgive_payment | link |
Goods Payment Detail | goods_payment | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
User | usr | link |
Grocery Billing link | grocery | link |
Circulation Billing link | circulation | link |
Billing Line Items | billings | link |
Payment Line Items | payments | link |
Billing Totals | billing_total | money |
Payment Totals | payment_total | money |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Balance Owed | balance_owed | money |
Transaction ID | id | id |
Last Billing Note | last_billing_note | text |
Last Billing Timestamp | last_billing_ts | timestamp |
Last Billing Type | last_billing_type | text |
Last Payment Note | last_payment_note | text |
Last Payment Timestamp | last_payment_ts | timestamp |
Last Payment Type | last_payment_type | text |
Total Owed | total_owed | money |
Total Paid | total_paid | money |
Billed User | usr | link |
Transaction Type | xact_type | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | approval_code | text |
Undefined | cash_drawer | link |
Undefined | cc_number | text |
Undefined | cc_type | text |
Undefined | note | text |
Undefined | payment_ts | timestamp |
Undefined | xact | link |
Undefined | payment_type | text |
Undefined | payment | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Accepting Staff Member | accepting_usr | link |
Workstation link | cash_drawer | link |
Note | note | text |
Payment Timestamp | payment_ts | timestamp |
Transaction link | xact | link |
Payment link | payment | link |
Payment Type | payment_type | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | accepting_usr | link |
Undefined | cash_drawer | link |
Undefined | note | text |
Undefined | payment_ts | timestamp |
Undefined | xact | link |
Undefined | payment_type | text |
Undefined | payment | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Accepting Staff Member | accepting_usr | link |
Payment Note | note | text |
Payment Timestamp | payment_ts | timestamp |
Transaction | xact | link |
Payment Type | payment_type | text |
Payment link | payment | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | enter_time | timestamp |
Undefined | location | link |
Undefined | usr | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Note | note | text |
Payment Type | payment_type | text |
Billable Transaction | xact | link |
Cash Drawer | cash_drawer | link |
Cash Payment | cash_payment | link |
Credit Card Payment | credit_card_payment | link |
Check Payment | check_payment | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | accepting_usr | link |
Undefined | note | text |
Undefined | payment_ts | timestamp |
Undefined | xact | link |
Undefined | payment_type | text |
Undefined | payment | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Indicator 1 | ind1 | text |
Indicator 2 | ind2 | text |
Bib Record Entry | record | link |
Subfield | subfield | text |
Tag | tag | text |
Normalized Value | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Billing Location | billing_location | link |
Note | note | text |
User | usr | link |
Billings | billings | link |
Payments | payments | link |
Billable Transaction link | billable_transaction | link |
Billing Totals | billing_total | money |
Payment Totals | payment_total | money |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Accepting Staff Member | accepting_usr | link |
Note | note | text |
Payment Timestamp | payment_ts | timestamp |
Transaction ID | xact | link |
Payment link | payment | link |
Payment Type | payment_type | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | field | link |
Undefined | source | link |
Undefined | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | fingerprint | text |
Undefined | master_record | link |
Undefined | mods | text |
Undefined | source_records | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | metarecord | link |
Undefined | source | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Note | note | text |
Payment Type | payment_type | text |
Billable Transaction | xact | link |
Work Payment Detail | work_payment | link |
Forgive Payment Detail | forgive_payment | link |
Goods Payment Detail | goods_payment | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | balance_owed | money |
Undefined | last_billing_note | text |
Undefined | last_billing_ts | timestamp |
Undefined | last_billing_type | text |
Undefined | last_payment_note | text |
Undefined | last_payment_ts | timestamp |
Undefined | last_payment_type | text |
Undefined | total_owed | money |
Undefined | total_paid | money |
Undefined | usr | link |
Undefined | xact_type | text |
Undefined | xact | link |
Undefined | grocery | link |
Undefined | circulation | link |
Undefined | billing_location | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | usr | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | usr | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Note | note | text |
Payment Type | payment_type | text |
Billable Transaction | xact | link |
Cash Payment Detail | cash_payment | link |
Credit Card Payment Detail | credit_card_payment | link |
Credit Payment Detail | credit_payment | link |
Check Payment Detail | check_payment | link |
Work Payment Detail | work_payment | link |
Forgive Payment Detail | forgive_payment | link |
Goods Payment Detail | goods_payment | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Audn | audience | text |
BLvl | bib_level | text |
Cat Form | cat_form | text |
Character Encoding | char_encoding | text |
Ctrl | control_type | text |
ELvl | enc_level | text |
Form | item_form | text |
Lang | item_lang | text |
Type | item_type | text |
LitF | lit_form | text |
Pub Status | pub_status | text |
Bib Record Entry | record | link |
TMat | type_mat | text |
Video Recording Format | vr_format | text |
Date1 | date1 | text |
Date2 | date2 | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | field | link |
Undefined | source | link |
Undefined | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | field | link |
Undefined | source | link |
Undefined | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | field | link |
Undefined | source | link |
Undefined | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | usr | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | usr | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Accepting Staff Member | accepting_usr | link |
Note | note | text |
Payment Timestamp | payment_ts | timestamp |
Transaction ID | xact | link |
Payment link | payment | link |
Payment Type | payment_type | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | grantable | bool |
Undefined | grp | link |
Undefined | perm | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Child Groups | children | link |
Group ID | id | id |
Parent Group | parent | link |
User Expiration Interval | perm_interval | interval |
Required Permission | application_perm | text |
Is User Group | usergroup | bool |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | code | text |
Undefined | id | id |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | object_id | text |
Undefined | grantable | bool |
Undefined | perm | link |
Undefined | usr | link |
Undefined | object_type | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | depth | int |
Undefined | grantable | bool |
Undefined | perm | link |
Undefined | usr | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | usr | link |
Undefined | work_ou | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Billing Location Name | billing_location_name | text |
Billing Location Link | billing_location | org_unit |
User Home Library Name | usr_home_ou_name | text |
User Home Library Link | usr_home_ou | org_unit |
User Barcode | barcode | text |
User Link | usr | link |
Transaction Type | xact_type | text |
Total Paid | total_paid | money |
Total Billed | total_owed | money |
Last Payment Note | last_payment_note | text |
Last Payment Type | last_payment_type | text |
Last Billing Note | last_billing_note | text |
Last Billing Type | last_billing_type | text |
User Age Demographic | demographic_general_division | text |
User County | patron_county | text |
User City | patron_city | text |
User ZIP Code | patron_zip | text |
Balance Owed | balance_owed | money |
User Profile Group | profile_group | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Library Circulation Location Link | circ_lib_id | org_unit |
Circulation Type | circ_type | text |
Copy Link | copy_id | link |
Circ Modifier | circ_modifier | text |
Item Language | language | text |
Literary Form | lit_form | text |
MARC Form | item_form | text |
MARC Type | item_type | text |
Shelving Location | shelving_location | text |
Patron Profile Group | profile_group | text |
Patron Age Demographic | demographic_general_division | text |
Call Number Link | call_number | link |
Call Number Label | call_number_label | text |
Patron Link | patron_id | link |
Patron Home Library Link | patron_home_lib | link |
Patron County | patron_county | text |
Patron City | patron_city | text |
Patron ZIP Code | patron_zip | text |
Legacy CAT1 Link | stat_cat_1 | link |
Legacy CAT2 Link | stat_cat_2 | link |
Legacy CAT1 Value | stat_cat_1_value | text |
Legacy CAT2 Value | stat_cat_2_value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Circulation Type | type | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Hold Request Type | hold_type | text |
Target Bib Record | bib_record | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Circulating Library | circ_lib | org_unit |
Owning Library | owning_lib | org_unit |
Billing Types | billing_types | text |
Balance | balance | money |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
User Home Library | home_ou | org_unit |
Owning Library | owning_lib | org_unit |
Billing Types | billing_types | text |
Balance | balance | money |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Owning Library | owning_lib | org_unit |
Billing Types | billing_types | text |
Balance | balance | money |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Circulation ID | id | link |
Circulating Library | circ_lib | org_unit |
Owning Library | owning_lib | org_unit |
Billing Type | billing_type | text |
Total Billed | billed | money |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Circulation ID | id | link |
User Home Library | home_ou | org_unit |
Owning Library | owning_lib | org_unit |
Billing Type | billing_type | text |
Total Billed | billed | money |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Circulation ID | id | link |
Owning Library | owning_lib | org_unit |
Billing Type | billing_type | text |
Total Billed | billed | money |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Fingerprint | fingerprint | text |
Overall Record Quality | quality | int |
TCN Source | tcn_source | text |
TCN Value | tcn_value | text |
ISBN | isbn | text |
ISSN | issn | text |
Full Bibliographic record | biblio_record | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Title | title | text |
Author | author | text |
Pubdate | pubdate | text |
Copy ID | id | id |
Price | price | money |
Barcode | barcode | text |
Callnumber Label | call_number_label | text |
Dewy Tens | dewey_block_tens | text |
Dewy Hundreds | dewey_block_hundreds | text |
Use Count | use_count | int |
Circ Modifier | circ_modifier | text |
Shelving Location Name | shelving_location | text |
Legacy Stat Cat 1 | stat_cat_1 | text |
Legacy Stat Cat 2 | stat_cat_2 | text |
Legacy Stat Cat 1 Value | stat_cat_1_value | text |
Legacy Stat Cat 2 Value | stat_cat_2_value | text |
Edit Date | edit_date | timestamp |
Create Date | create_date | timestamp |
Owning Lib Name | owning_lib_name | text |
Circ Lib Name | circ_lib_name | text |
Owning Lib | owning_lib | link |
Circ Lib | circ_lib | link |
Creator | creator | link |
Age Protection | age_protect | link |
OPAC Visible | opac_visible | bool |
Reference | ref | bool |
Deposit Amount | deposit_amount | text |
Deleted | deleted | bool |
TCN | tcn_value | text |
Status | status | link |
Stop Fines Reason | stop_fines | text |
Due Date | due_date | timestamp |
Patron Barcode | patron_barcode | text |
Patron Name | patron_name | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Check In Library | checkin_lib | org_unit |
Check In Staff | checkin_staff | link |
Circulating Library | circ_lib | org_unit |
Circulating Staff | circ_staff | link |
Desk Renewal | desk_renewal | bool |
Circulation Duration | duration | interval |
Circ Duration Rule | duration_rule | link |
Fine Interval | fine_interval | interval |
Max Fine Rule | max_fine_rule | link |
OPAC Renewal | opac_renewal | bool |
Phone Renewal | phone_renewal | bool |
Recurring Fine Rule | recuring_fine_rule | link |
Fine Stop Reason | stop_fines | text |
Circulating Item | target_copy | link |
Patron | usr | link |
Transaction Billings | billings | link |
Transaction Payments | payments | link |
Base Transaction | billable_transaction | link |
Circulation Type | circ_type | text |
Billing Totals | billing_total | money |
Payment Totals | payment_total | money |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | parent | link |
Undefined | owner | link |
Undefined | create_time | timestamp |
Undefined | name | text |
Undefined | shared | bool |
Undefined | share_with | link |
Undefined | children | link |
Undefined | outputs | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | owner | link |
Undefined | create_time | timestamp |
Undefined | template | link |
Undefined | data | link |
Undefined | folder | link |
Undefined | recur | bool |
Undefined | recurance | interval |
Undefined | name | text |
Undefined | description | text |
Undefined | runs | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | parent | link |
Undefined | owner | link |
Undefined | create_time | timestamp |
Undefined | name | text |
Undefined | shared | bool |
Undefined | share_with | link |
Undefined | children | link |
Undefined | reports | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | runner | link |
Undefined | start_time | timestamp |
Undefined | complete_time | timestamp |
Undefined | run_time | timestamp |
Undefined | email | text |
Undefined | excel_format | bool |
Undefined | csv_format | bool |
Undefined | html_format | bool |
Undefined | error_code | int |
Undefined | error_text | text |
Undefined | report | link |
Undefined | folder | link |
Undefined | chart_pie | bool |
Undefined | chart_bar | bool |
Undefined | chart_line | bool |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Entry Owner | owner | link |
Entry Value | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Entry Owner | owner | link |
Entry Value | value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Metarecord | metarecord | link |
Overall Record Quality | quality | int |
TCN Source | tcn_source | text |
TCN Value | tcn_value | text |
ISBN | isbn | text |
ISSN | issn | text |
Full Bibliographic record | biblio_record | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Fingerprint | fingerprint | text |
Overall Record Quality | quality | int |
TCN Source | tcn_source | text |
TCN Value | tcn_value | text |
ISBN | isbn | text |
ISSN | issn | text |
Full Bibliographic record | biblio_record | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | owner | link |
Undefined | create_time | timestamp |
Undefined | name | text |
Undefined | data | text |
Undefined | folder | link |
Undefined | description | text |
Undefined | reports | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Undefined | parent | link |
Undefined | owner | link |
Undefined | create_time | timestamp |
Undefined | name | text |
Undefined | shared | bool |
Undefined | share_with | link |
Undefined | children | link |
Undefined | templates | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Date of Birth | dob | timestamp |
General Demographic Division | general_division | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Voided Billing Amount | voided | money |
Total Billing Amount | total | money |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Total Paid Amount | total | money |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
ID | id | id |
Active | active | bool |
Index Field | field | link |
Bump Type | bump | text |
Multiplier | multiplier | number |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Relevance | rel | float |
Record | record | link |
Checked | checked | int |
Visible | visible | int |
Deleted | deleted | int |
Excluded | excluded | int |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Match ID | id | id |
Queued Record | queued_record | link |
Matched Attribute | field | link |
Evergreen Record | eg_record | link |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Queue ID | id | id |
Owner | owner | link |
Complete | complete | bool |
Type | queue_type | text |
Purpose | queue_purpose | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Match ID | id | id |
Queued Record | queued_record | link |
Matched Attribute | field | link |
Evergreen Record | eg_record | link |
Field Type | field_type | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Queue ID | id | id |
Owner | owner | link |
Complete | complete | bool |
Type | queue_type | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Record ID | id | id |
Create Time | create_time | timestamp |
Import Time | import_time | timestamp |
MARC | marc | text |
Queue | queue | link |
Final Target Record | imported_as | link |
Purpose | purpose | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Attribute ID | id | id |
Record | record | link |
Field | field | link |
Value | attr_value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
ID | id | id |
Code | code | text |
XPath | xpath | text |
Remove RegExp | remove | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Record ID | id | id |
Create Time | create_time | timestamp |
Import Time | import_time | timestamp |
MARC | marc | text |
Queue | queue | link |
Bib Source | bib_source | link |
Final Target Record | imported_as | link |
Purpose | purpose | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
Attribute ID | id | id |
Record | record | link |
Field | field | link |
Value | attr_value | text |
Display Label | DB Name | Type |
ID | id | id |
Code | code | text |
XPath | xpath | text |
Remove RegExp | remove | text |
evergreen-user/reporting_data_dictionary.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by