Table of Contents
Roadmap for Evergreen 3.6
This is a list of major enhancements slated to be released in Evergreen 3.6. If you are working on (or about to work on) a non-trivial enhancement that will be code-complete no later the scheduled feature slush), please add it here. Please include links to Launchpad bugs, blueprints, and/or online specifications describing the feature.
REMINDER: This is not a wishlist of things that we would like to see in Evergreen 3.6, nor is this page meant to be a way of requesting sponsorships for a feature. Please add your project only if you are committed to working on it or funding it and you reasonably expect that it will be done in time for community review.
See the 3.5 Roadmap for examples.
- New A/T Reactor for HTTP GET or POST LP#1860703 merged
- Cumulative Fixes for Spine Label Display LP 1845556
- Preloaded Audio Search / Icon format LP#1835736 merged
- Manage Authorities Angular Port LP#1879335 merged
- MARC Batch Edit Angular Port LP#1880726 merged
- Curbside Pickup LP1879983 merged
- Place Holds for Patron Buckets (AKA Hold Subscriptions) LP1838995
- Improvements to Hopeless Holds LP1811710 merged
- Consolidate Patron Notes, Alerts, and Messages LP1846354 issues identified during testing; will not be included in 3.6
- Upgrade to Stripe v3 (Elements) LP1774892 merged
- Test Notification Methods LP1777677 merged
Client/Staff Interface
- Make Angular Staff Catalog the default for staff LP#1869898 merged
- Local Admin Circulation Policy PortLP1855781
Course materials
- New course materials module (LP1849212) merged
- Antora-ize docs LP#1848524 merged
Public Catalog
- Improve Access to Library Info in OPAC LP 1884657 merged
- Improved email/printing from OPAC LP1749475 merged
- Library Groups (Lassos) LP1815815
- OPAC Redesign (Bootstrap OPAC) LP#1778972 merged
- Read more feature in OPAC LP#1424815
- Matomo Analytics integration LP#1517298 merged
- Supply subtotal and grand total rows in reports that use aggregate functions LP#1789679 merged
- Move calculated dewey ranges/blocks to their own reporting view LP#1813191
System Administration
- New A/T reactor for GET or POST LP1860703 merged
User Experience/UX/Usability
Deprecation/removal of old code
Third-Party Integrations
faqs/evergreen_roadmap/3.6.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by