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Roadmap for Evergreen 3.9

This is a list of major enhancements slated to be released in Evergreen 3.9. If you are working on (or about to work on) a non-trivial enhancement that will be code-complete no later the scheduled feature slush), please add it here. Please include links to Launchpad bugs, blueprints, and/or online specifications describing the feature.

REMINDER: This is not a wishlist of things that we would like to see in Evergreen 3.9, nor is this page meant to be a way of requesting sponsorships for a feature. Please add your project only if you are committed to working on it or funding it and you reasonably expect that it will be done in time for community review.

See the 3.8 Roadmap for examples.






Client/Staff Interface

  • Customizable staff portal page LP1938835 merged

Course materials


Public Catalog



System Administration

  • Copy Location Order Interface Angular Port bug 1846552 merged
  • Notifications/Action Triggers UI Port LP1855780 merged


User Experience/UX/Usability

Deprecation/removal of old code

Third-Party Integrations

faqs/evergreen_roadmap/3.9.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/01 17:42 by aneiman

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© 2008-2022 GPLS and others. Evergreen is open source software, freely licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later.
The Evergreen Project is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization.