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When reading these summaries, note that positive amounts represent expenses while negative amounts represent income.

Summary - Evergreen Project

         $198,014.38  Expenses:Evergreen
           $2,885.52    Banking Fees
         $183,638.42    Conferences
          $25,321.45      AV
          $30,569.03      Food
           $8,227.54      Honoraria
           $8,506.92      Materials
           $3,506.09        Badges
             $431.85        T-Shirts
             $958.30      Services:Registration
             $923.15      Travel
         $109,132.04      Venue
          $59,673.00        Food
              $70.02    Corporate Tax
             $488.51    Currency Conversion
           $6,250.00    Development
             $200.00    Grants
           $3,500.00    Graphic Design
              $72.00    Hosting:Domains
              $23.74    Postage
             $212.49    Promotional Items
              $43.43    Sales Tax
              $18.59      CA
              $24.84      MA
              $15.25    Shipping
             $615.00    Trademark:Registration
        $-211,746.94  Income:Evergreen
            $-332.50    Advertising
        $-132,749.78    Conferences
        $-105,214.28      Registrations
         $-26,838.00      Sponsorship
             $-65.51    Currency Conversion
         $-77,606.94    Donations
              $-9.51    Interest:Dividend
            $-312.19    Royalties
            $-670.50    Sales
         $-20,959.31  Unearned Income:Evergreen:Conferences:Registrations
governance/financials/update_2015_07_13.1463674815.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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The Evergreen Project is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization.