Table of Contents
Evergreen Project Board Meeting
Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 2pm ET
The meeting was called to order at 2:12 pm ET.
Attending Board Member Roll Call
- Jason Boyer, Equinox Open Library Initiative
- Chris Burton, Niagara Falls Public Library
- Galen Charlton, Equinox Open Library Initiative
- Anna Goben, Evergreen Indiana
- Tiffany Little, GA PINES
- Jessica Woolford, Bibliomation
Guest Roll Call
- Lynn Floyd, Evergreen Indiana
- Rogan Hamby, Equinox Open Library Initiative
- Deborah Luchenbill, MOBIUS
Approval or Correction of Minutes: March 19, 2020
- Moved: J. Woolford
- Seconded: J. Boyer
- Outcome: All in favor; passed.
Reports of the Officers
- Things have been on hold pending data collection.
Financial report
- Generally no changes with available funds.
- Expecting a bill of under $1,000 for the non-refundable expenses from the 2020 conference from the GA Board of Regents, including for materials which may be repurposed for later events.
- Identified mis-entry from Evergreen 2019 conference ledger which has been removed.
- Outstanding SFC invoice being addressed by MOBIUS.
- Virtual conference chair reports that the virtual conference does not require any funding. Keynote speaker has waived honorarium and will still speak. Reviewing options for collecting donations from participants.
- Received request from MOBIUS to assume costs of Quickbooks subscription for project.
- Motion to assume the costs: G. Charlton
- Second: T. Little
- Discussion: Need to review how far back they wish to be reimbursed. G. Charlton will investigate the full extent of the cost.
- Outcome: Approved unanimously.
SFC Updates
- Trademark is being renewed by SFC per our request.
- No updates received on grant report.
Release Managers
- 3.5 being released last week in April.
- Looking to return to a more consistent schedule.
Committee and Task Force Reports
Conference Committees
- 2021 Conference is still expected to move forward as originally planned as an in-person event. D. Luchenbill will review cancellation terms with D. Bacon so that we're prepared if there's cause to re-evaluate.
- 2020 Hack-a-way (R. Hamby): Currently up in the air; unlikely to meet in-person due to current environment. Will poll community on cancelling vs a virtual Hack-a-way in May.
Outreach Committee
The full report is available here: Outreach Committee report
Old Business
- NFP Status - 1023 submission status: Updating the form with the new term information and A. Goben and G. Charlton will coordinate to submit the form.
New Business
- 2020/21 officers: Slate approved unanimously
- Anna Goben, President
- Jason Boyer, Vice-President
- Galen Charlton, Treasurer
- Tiffany Little, Secretary
- Secondary banking contact: T. Little will be second signatory, replacing C. Sharp.
Next meeting
- Next meeting will be held on May 21, 2020 at 2pm ET.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:42pm ET.
governance/eob-minutes-2020-04-22.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by