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Thursday, October 29, 2015 Evergreen for Academics Meeting

  • 11:00 a.m. in West Coast/Los_Angeles
  • 2:00 p.m. in Canada/Eastern Time Zone
  • 1:00 in UTC

Location: #evergreen IRC channel on the freenode network


Action Items from Last Meeting

  • yboston will send out an email to the general list asking for more community members to participate in academics meeting; or at least forward our request to the acdemics libraries in EG consortiums
  • yboston will plan for the next academics meeting to happen the htird week of September

New Business

  • Decide date and time for next meeting (Yamil)
  • Decide how often to meet, since monthly seems too often (Yamil)
  • Consider picking a meeting topic before hand, for example EG reserves, authorities, batch patron loading (Yamil)
  • ????

old Business

  • Updates from sub-group leaders (Authorities, LC Call numbers, etc.)
    • What are next steps for these projects? Are any ready to see if there are potential funders/developers to work on them?
  • ck_ and kmlussier to follow up directly with libraries that showed interest in an academic PAC flavor.
  • jeffdavis to put out a call for current patron loading scripts that are already in use.
  • subfield indexing (D0nB)
  • Should we consider meeting every other month? (Yamil)
  • Should we consider having a meeting topic to encourage discussions, like have a meeting mostly focused on talking about reserves? Of course, we could cover other topics too. (Yamil)
history/evergreen_for_academics/2015-10-29.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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