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Evergreen Release 1.2.2
Release date: 2008-05-02
Contributors (work in progress)
This release adds functionality, performance, and usability improvements, and simplifies installing and configuring, in the following areas:
- General search speed
- Cloned patron search
- OPAC Post-search sorting and filtering
- OPAC Advanced search syntax in the simple search interface
- OPAC Advanced search form propagation
- Hold processing improvements
- Z39.50 target server record format configuration
- Hold suspension, including manual and automatic activation.
- Suspended holds will maintain their slot in the queue, but will not be captured until activated
- Includes patron and staff management interfaces.
- Hold migration on record merge.
- When merging a set of bibliographic records, all title and volume holds for the merged (hence deleted) records will be migrated to the lead record.
- Org unit specific soft and hard hold boundaries.
- A hold boundary determines how far from a given org unit (by proximity) the hold processor can search to find a potential copy.
- A soft boundary forces the system to set the boundary based on the closest potential copy. This is useful for reducing, but not disallowing transits. If there is a potential copy that's "close by", but it's not available yet, the system will continue to wait for that item to become available (or another potential item to come into range).
- A hard boundary forces the system to not search outside of a given range regardless of the existence of a potential copy. Hard boundaries are useful for completely disallowing transits outside of a given range.
- Enhanced added content plugin management.
- Server-side caching of all added content for speed and reduced dependence on vendor site
- Better handling of added content vendor timeouts (error and retry handling)
- Amazon is now a proper plugin (images only)
- Added support for limiting the number of checkouts by item type (circulation modifier).
More 1.2.2 information
history/feature_list_1_2_2.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by