Table of Contents
Evergreen Newsletter, March/April 2010
The newsletter for Evergreen open source library software
Volume 3, Issue 2 - March/April 2010
As a reminder, we post this newsletter to the Evergreen general discussion list, development list, and the Evergreen blog. Cross-posting and forwarding are encouraged.
In This Issue
Evergreen Out and About, Evergreen Development and Documentation Update, Evergreen People, Evergreen Jobs, New Evergreen Libraries, Planet Evergreen, A Few Reminders, Newsletter Administrivia
Out and About: An Evergreen Calendar
Do you know of Evergreen events you’d like to share here? Please contact us at
Equinox Software, Inc. is now offering training for Evergreen users. For more information or to register, send an email to
Currently, Equinox Software is offering the following classes:
Cataloging in Evergreen (Part 1) May 19 -- 1pm-2:30pm -- Online In this class, we will explore cataloging and holdings maintenance in Evergreen. Topics for discussion include: searching the catalog; viewing a MARC record; adding, editing, and deleting copies and volumes; editing an item’s status and attributes; and using buckets for holdings maintenance. This class would be useful to cataloging staff. Cataloging in Evergreen (Part 2) May 26 -- 1pm-2:30pm -- Online In this session, we will identify best practices and procedures for cataloguing in Evergreen. Topics for discussion include: creating, maintaining, and importing bibliographic records; importing and overlaying records; and using record buckets to make batch changes. This class would be useful to cataloging staff. Booking in Evergreen June 2 -- 1pm-2pm EST -- Online In this session, we will focus on booking in Evergreen. We will discuss how to create and pick up reservations for bibliographic items. We will also discuss the reservation process for other item types, such as laptops and meeting rooms. This class would be useful to administrators, circulators, and other staff who would book items for library patrons. Acquisitions Preview June 16 -- 1pm-2:30pm EST -- Online In this class, we will review the plans for the Acquisitions module, examine current functionality, and tour the most recent development. This class would be useful to administrators, prospective Evergreen users, and others interested in Acquisitions development.
Evergreen Administration and Statistics Module 8/10/10, 2:00pm-4:00pm Evergreen Catalog Module 8/18/10-8/19/10, 2:00pm-4:00pm Evergreen Catalog Module 12/07/10-12/08/10, 2:00pm-4:00pm
LYRASIS (created from a merger of SOLINET, PALINET and NELINET) has taught dozens of Evergreen classes. Lyrasis is dedicated to training and instructing Evergreen, and they welcome your comments and suggestions for courses. All of their current course offerings are continuously updated, and Lyrasis plans to add more courses in the future. For comments or questions, contact Lyrasis instructors or
Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS) offers hands-on training on-site at Evergreen Libraries. Training modules include Circulation, OPAC, Copy Cataloging and Staff Client Administration. Training includes not only the functionality of the software but also information on the most efficient staff workflow. Classes are taught by librarians with first hand Evergreen experience.
Contact Megan Dudek at for information and pricing.
Evergreen Development and Documentation Update
New Releases
- A new bugfix release of Evergreen, version, was released on April 16th, 2010.
Call for discussion
What happened at this year's Evergreen Conference?
- Other related blog posts:
Evergreen People
MassLNC Names Project Coordinator
Katherine Lussier has been appointed the project coordinator of the Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative (MassLNC), a joint of project of the Central/Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing (C/W MARS), the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC) and the North Of Boston Library Exchange (NOBLE).
Lussier most recently served as Assistant Administrator for Technology with the Southeastern Mass. Regional Library System.
The MassLNC networks will cooperatively investigate and implement a consortium-scaled open source library management system to improve service to member libraries and contain costs. The networks will have three separate installations, set up in parallel to facilitate mutual support.
Funded with federal funds provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services administered by the Mass. Board of Library Commissioners, and by participating libraries, MassLNC is focusing efforts on the Evergreen library system.
Evergreen Jobs
Do you know of Evergreen related jobs that you’d like to share here? Let us know at
New Evergreen Libraries: Welcome Aboard!
- In early March, Bibliomation welcomed the first two libraries into its new Evergreen consortium in Connecticut. Beacon Falls Public Library went live on March 3, 2010, and Douglas Library of Hebron went live on March 8, 2010.
- Grand Forks Public Library, McBride Public Library, Stewart Public Library, and Taylor Public Library went live in spring 2010. SITKA now has 30 members in their consortium.
- Boswell Grant Township Public Library, Linton Public Library, Monon Town and Township Public Library, and Oxford Public Library all went live on March 18, 2010; Barton Rees Pogue Memorial Public Library and Centerville-Center Township Public Library went live on April 22; and the Indiana State Library went live on May 7. The Evergreen Indiana loan modification consortium now has 65 libraries live on Evergreen, with over 2 million items in the shared catalog. In addition to migration news, Evergreen Indiana plans to roll out its outbound telephony module!
Visit the complete list of known Evergreen libraries. If you know of a library that should be added to this list, please let us know at Thanks!
Planet Evergreen
Can’t get enough news about Evergreen open source software? Subscribe to or read Planet Evergreen, an aggregator for Evergreen-related posts. Have a blog that talks about Evergreen? To add your blog to the Planet Evergreen blog aggregator, send email to Dan Scott at
A Few Reminders
Newsletter Administrivia
Feel free to forward, share, etc.! Jason sits at the top of the blame map, but we also have direct edits from Warren Layton, NRCan Library / Bibliothèque RNCan, and contributions and suggestions from Joe Atzberger, Equinox Software, Catherine Lemmer, Indiana, and Amy Terlaga, Bibliomation.
You can reach volunteer newsletter wranglers at
This newsletter is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license, which is an open “copy-left” license similar to that used by Evergreen. If you contribute content that is copyrighted or copyrightable, please let us know if you do not agree to have it released under this license. Thanks!