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Aashita Dutta

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1st Improvement proposed: Search Options

The problem

Search Options

1.Patron Search By Name - Grouping the names in Button option. i) Generally, on selecting particular row to fetch data gives data on left side about that particular person, but here when a user selects Patron Search By name, in Patron Search Result can select multiple rows, and on selecting first row it gives data, then on selecting multiple rows thereafter it shows only data of first one only i.e. on selecting multiple rows, data displayed should be changed, multi_index or multi_type search use should be prevented.



ii)Previously selected row should be unchecked on widget after selection next row.

iii)On selecting randomly any row in between, it gives data, but there is constraint that data displayed on left side is Row wise ordering serial numeric wise like i.e. constraint up-down search to be prevented.


Improvement-Radio Buttons Option buttons are sometimes called Radio Buttons, and they force the user into choosing only one item in a list, such as a Male/Female option, or selecting a payment method. The Option button HTML look like this:

<INPUT TYPE="Radio" Name="Gender" Value="Male">Male <INPUT TYPE="Radio" Name="Gender" Value="Female">Female

After typing the INPUT tag, the word TYPE comes next. For Option Buttons, the type is "Radio". The NAME is definitely needed here, and note that the NAME for both in our code above is "Gender". You use the same name for each group of option buttons you are adding to your form.

Radio buttons are used when you want to let the visitor select one - and just one - option from a set of alternatives. If more options are to be allowed at the same time you should use check boxes instead.


Below is a listing of valid settings for radio buttons:

1 radio


Name of the group. Value that is submitted if checked. Alignment of the field. Tab order of the field. Default check this field.|

The name setting tells which group of radio buttons the field belongs to. When you select one button, all other buttons in the same group are not selected. If you couldn't define which group the current button belongs to, you could only have one group of radio buttons on each page.

The value setting defines what will be submitted if checked.

The align setting defines how the field is aligned. Valid entries are: TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, RIGHT, LEFT, TEXTTOP, BASELINE, ABSMIDDLE, ABSBOTTOM.

The tabindex setting defines in which order the different fields should be activated when the visitor clicks the tab key.

iv)Feedback loop problem- Channel or pathway formed by an 'effect' returning to its 'cause,' and generating either more or less of the same effect. A dialogue is an example of a feedback loop. There should be circulation sign to signify that user registered patron or done any search and waiting for the requested page corresponding to search done.

2.In dropdown next to Page1 in check in option of Circulation and Patron- Some Options does not work like Show all columns , Hide all columns

So to make it working required database connectivity with select tag along with javascript. Here is the link which can be useful to problem -

3.In check In Items, after submitting barcode, there is no option to delete it -

There should be delete option in dropdown.

2nd Improvement proposed: UI widget option

The problem

The UI widget option: UX (User Experience) is all those elements and factors related to the user's interaction with a particular environment or device which generate a positive or negative perception of the product, brand or device. UX is subjective and focused on use.

The standard definition of UX is "a person's perceptions and responses that result from the use or anticipated use of a product, system or service". The main objective of a GUI should be to present information to the user in a comfortable and efficient way, and this is the job of a UI designer or, by extension, a web designer.

UI is unique in two ways. First is the way the framework is structured. It uses five descriptive categories to define re-usable UI components.

  • A UI Element is a basic building block. It can appear alone or in uniform groups. For example, a button can be independent or put in a button group.
  • A UI Collection is a group of different kinds of elements that are interdependent. For example, a web form can have buttons, inputs, checkboxes, icons, and so forth.
  • A UI View represents a common piece of website content. For example, a feed or comments section.
  • A UI Module is a component with interactive JavaScript-based functionality. Examples include an accordion, dimmer, modal, and so on.
  • A UI Behavior is a component that can’t exist independently, but instead is used to inject functionality into other components. For example, the Form Validation behavior provide validation functionality for the Form component.

Almost every component has types, states and variations. For example, some of the button component’s types include: standard button, button with icon, animated button and a button can be in the active, disabled, or loading state. Finally, a button can vary in size and color, and can be formatted as basic, social, fluid, toggle, and more. This scheme gives you a great amount of flexibility in a component’s appearance.

Semantic UI is not only meaningful and well structured in terms of naming its classes but also in naming, defining, and describing its components.The second unique thing about Semantic UI is that it provides some exclusive features and components not present in other frameworks. For example, Feed and Comment in the UI Views components or Sidebar and Shape from the UI Modules. Also, when interacting with Semantic UI components you get real-time debug output. Just open up your web console and you’ll see your components communicating exactly what they’re doing.

Another strength of Semantic UI is that it uses minimal and neutral styling, leaving customization open to you. It includes important and useful things while leaving out additional features that you’ll probably never use. Plus, the framework’s components are portable and self-contained so you can grab and use only those you need.

The framework uses em and rem units for its elements, making it fully responsive and adaptive to any size. You need only to change the base font and all other elements will adjust accordingly.

For coding in UI widgets, refer to link-

For ICON designs refer to link-

Suggesting UI design interface elements-

About custom dropdown list that makes options more vivid and give enhanced looks, here is the link -

3rd Improvement proposed:Database Problem

The problem

Database Problem: While checking in item, firstly on typing barcode the user data is available with barcode number mentioned below, on downloading CSV, the barcode is not available, there is database connectivity problem


history/opw/ui_suggest/aashitadutta.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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