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Outreach Program for Women User Interface Design Suggestions
Applicants planning to work on a User Interface should make a list of three ways a current interface in the Evergreen client could be improved, why each suggestion is beneficial, and documentation to solidify your position.
Micaela Neus
About me
- Location: San Francisco, CA
- Primary Language: English
- email: micaela.neus@gmail.com
- website: openantarctica.org
- IRC: micaelaneus
- OPW candidate for the Evergreen's UI style guide project
You can check my contribution here: opw:ui_suggest:micaelaneus
Julia Lima
About me
- Location: Villa Carlos Paz, Cordoba, Argentina
- Primary language: Spanish
- email: julia.lima.dg@gmail.com
- IRC: julialima
- More info: http://julialima.com.ar/eng.html
- OPW candidate for the Evergreen's UI style guide project
You can check my contribution here: http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=opw:ui_suggest:julialima
Aashita Dutta
About me
- email: aashitadutta@gmail.com
- Primary language: English
- Git account: http://github.com/aashitadutta
- IRC: aashitadutta
- OPW candidate for the Evergreen's UI style guide project
You can check my contribution here: http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=opw:ui_suggest:aashitadutta
Samadrita Das
About me
- email: samadrita.das1993@gmail.com
- Primary languages: English, Hindi
- Portfolio: www.samadrita.info
- IRC: sdas
- OPW candidate for the Evergreen's UI style guide project
You can check my contribution here: http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=opw:ui_suggest:sdas
history/opw/ui_suggest.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by