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Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting May 5th, 2021 2 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Pacific

In Attendance

  • Rogan Hamby
  • Andrea Buntz Neiman (minutes)
  • Jennifer Weston


  • Community Spotlight (Andrea, Ruth) - form
    • Q2's selection made; ABN will contact them and aim for a posting in June
  • Press Releases (Ron)
    • 3.7 underway
  • Image archive (Ruth)
    • [no report]
  • 2020 Annual Report (Andrea, Rogan)
    • ABN will put together graphics for committers - high res preferred
    • Rogan will continue to put content together & have copy out to proofers week of 5/10
  • Merchandise (Debbie, Rogan)
    • Redbubble store is down and account is locked - repeated attempts to speak to Redbubble Support have gone nowhere
  • Hack-A-Way (Rogan)
    • In progress, primarily in-person but potentially including an online component
    • Dates have been selected & hotel arrangements are being made

Adjourned 2:46pm ET

outreach/meetings/2021-05-05/minutes.1620240389.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:33 (external edit)

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