Table of Contents
Evergreen Outreach Committee
The goal of the Outreach Committee is to organize activities to increase the visibility of Evergreen in the larger library community. The committee will also establish a fund for activities that support this goal.
Outreach Committee Members
- Rogan Hamby, Equinox Open Library Initiative, Chair
- Debbie Luchenbill, MOBIUS
- Andrea Buntz Neiman, Equinox Open Library Initiative
- Jennifer Weston, Equinox Open Library Initiative
- Ruth Davis, Evergreen Community Development Initiative
- Kathryn Nesbit, NCCARDINAL
- Stephanie Leary, Equinox Open Library Initiative
- Katherine Dannehl, PAILS
Past Outreach Committee Members
- Ron Gagnon
- Kathy Lussier
- Olivia Scully, Bibliomation
Mailing List
The Outreach Committee mailing list archives & subscription info can be found here.
Outreach Committee Charge
The following charge for the Outreach Committee was approved at the May 18, 2017 Executive Oversight Board meeting.
- The Evergreen Outreach Committee is charged with the following tasks:
- Organizing outreach activities that:
- increase Evergreen’s visibility in the larger library community;
- inform existing Evergreen users of developments in the software and community;
- and support and encourage community participation from Evergreen’s growing base of users.
- Raising funds to support the above activities.
- The Outreach Committee committee should have a minimum of three members and is open to participation from anyone in the Evergreen community. At least one member should be a member of the Evergreen Oversight Board (EOB).
- The committee will submit an annual budget to support Outreach activities to be approved by the EOB.
- Any activities requiring expenditures outside the budget must be approved by the EOB.
- The committee must provide regular reports to the EOB by writing to the mailing list and/or providing updates at the monthly EOB meeting.
Annual Report
The Outreach Committee annually produces the community annual report.
A style guide for the annual report can be found here.
ALA Programs
The Outreach Committee has been responsible for organizing various activities at ALA to raise Evergreen's visibility in the larger library community and to provide community members with an opportunity to meet up at this national conference.
Social Media
- Hashtag (conference) #evgils + 2 digit year example: #evgils24
- Hashtag (general) #evgils
- Twitter -
Meeting Agenda/Minutes 2024
Meeting Agenda/Minutes 2023
- May 3rd, 2023 Agenda - no meeting
Meeting Agenda/Minutes 2022
- July, 2022 - meeting skipped
Meeting Agenda/Minutes 2021
Meeting Agenda/Minutes 2020
- June: There was no regular June meeting as we focused on pulling together the Online Conference.
- January Meeting wasn't held due to holidays
Meeting Agenda/Minutes 2019
- September 4, 2019 Agenda
Meeting Agenda/Minutes 2018 and Previous
- January 2, 2019 Agenda
- December 5, 2018 Agenda
- October 3, 2018 Agenda
- September 5, 2018 Agenda / Minutes
- August 1, 2018 Agenda / Minutes
- June 6, 2018 Agenda / Minutes
- April 4, 2018 Agenda
Spotlight Recepients
- 2018-11 Michele Morgan
- 2018-12 Jane Sandberg
- 2019-01 Chris Sharp
- 2019-02 Jennifer Pringle
- 2019-03 Remington Steed
- 2019-04 Chauncey Montgomery
- 2019-05 Mary Llewellyn
- 2019-06 Lynn Floyd
- 2019-07 Jason Stephenson
- 2019-08 Sylvia Orner
- 2019-09 Ken Cox
- 2019-10 Anna Goben
- 2019-11 Kate Coleman
- 2019-12 Jeff Klapes
- 2020-01 Christine Burns
- 2020-02 Steve Callender
- 2020-03 Terran McCanna
- 2020-04 Ben Shum
- 2020-05 Tiffany Little
- 2020-06 Benjamin Murphy
- 2020-07 Linda Jansova
- 2020-08 Mike Risher
- 2020-09 Jessica Woolford