Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting March 1st, 2023 4 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Pacific
In attendance: Rogan Hamby, Stephanie Leary, Debbie Luchenbill, Andrea Buntz Neiman (minutes), Kathryn Nesbit, Chris Sharp, Jennifer Weston
- Web Site (Chris, Stephanie)
- Site is hosted by UGa BoR next to the PINES servers
- Runs the git server, the main web server, chatbot, wiki, old docs, test docs, new docs, listerv(s)
- eg-web.georgialibraries.org
- Current webserver running on Debian old-stable, reasonably up-to-date WordPress & wiki
- Galen has ssh access (we think)
- Admin stuff on #evergreen-bofh IRC channel
- Chris suggests a conference web-people meeting
- "From a sysadmin perspective, it's not a good idea to have no one in charge of it"
- Do we want to stay hosted at GPLS? Hosting is an historical carryover from early days of PINES blog.
- Chris is fine maintaining the SA level e.g. servers; wiki & WordPress can go to someone else.
- Stephanie will take lead in WP updates - she will send ssh key to Chris & start working on that
- Press Releases (Ron)
- No updates today
- Social Media (Kathryn)
- Have made a few posts on FB & Twitter about bug squashing and conference registration
- Have had a couple people follow the page & one library school student question
- Annual Report (Rogan)
- Content deadline MARCH 17th (St. Patrick's Day) HARD DEADLINE!
- Threadless (Rogan)
- Galen will make the store at the request of TEP Board
- Follow-up Community Surveys
- Follow up pending; only 11 responses so far
- Post-conference survey for Hackaway dates
- New Business:
- RIG would like to put recordings on the YouTube channel (YouTube is admin'd by Dan Scott) - Jessica can request access from Dan. Rogan will broker as needed.
Adjourned 4:50pm ET
outreach/meetings/2023-03-01/minutes.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/01 17:05 by aneiman