Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting May 1st, 2019 2 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Pacific
Google hangout link: https://meet.google.com/oip-dwca-bpc
Or, join by phone: +1 337-441-4148 PIN: 125 363 025#
* 2018 Annual Report - (Rogan/Andrea update) - Printed. Done. Review for next year? Electronic version has been posted on the website.
* Contributor of the Month (Andrea update) Nominations Here
* Press releases (Ron) - Two in pipeline, board and core committers.
* ALA Meetup coordinator (Amy & Debbie)
* I am Evergreen (Ron / Rogan) - We have videos, need to start editing.
* Social Media Person Recruitment (Rogan) - Bah humbug. Aiming for M-F 1/day, scheduled in advance. Schedule here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wSJywfTl__D28-LGNa4kpGIO2nhTMvs5Fypr5OaKr0U/edit?usp=sharing . Orange date means it is already scheduled.
* Conference Merchandise (Debbie)
New Business
* Technical videos. (Rogan) - Git basics. Setting up a VM. High level overview?
TUTCCF - Tabled Until Torch Carrier Comes Forward :
* Web site refresh
* Community Ambassadors