Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting August 5th, 2020 - 2 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Pacific
Attending: Andrea (minutes), Debbie, Galen, Rogan, Ruth
Agenda: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=outreach:meetings:2020-07-01:agenda
- Community Spotlight (Andrea)
- Linda Jansova for July
- August's selection was made and Andrea will contact them
- Press releases (Ron, in absentia)
- EG 3.5 release went out last month
- Please send Press Release ideas his way
- Possibly one for Hack-a-Way since it's an online event - TBD; will follow up at September's meeting
- ALA Meetup (Amy & Debbie)
- Nothing to report
- Conference Merchandise (Debbie)
- Moved to its new office AND shiny new boxes
- 2020 Annual Report (Andrea & Rogan)
- Will resume in October
- New Biz
- Galen: Release Team will be putting out a blog post on Monday about 3.6
- Rogan: New or ongoing projects that people want to take up within Outreach Committee?
- Community training videos
- Video content is popular
- Some is already extant under other channels
- Cleaning up the wiki and/or updating the website?
- Proposal: Rogan will go to the listserv and solicit attendees for next Outreach Meeting to form a wiki-cleanup team; unanimously agreed by today's attendees
- Future online events - should Outreach be the home of these?
- Consensus: yes, for now
- After Hack-a-way, reassess and start planning a spring event with input from TEP Board (especially w/r/t sponsorships) and the Conference Committee
- Note that email addresses of listservs will be changing
- Lessons Learned from Online Conference
- Report here
- Adjourned 2:51pm ET
Deferred Until Non-Profit Process is Complete
- Budget
- Redbubble Store
TUTCCF - Tabled Until Torch Carrier Comes Forward :
- Social Media
- Web site refresh (cross over with web team)
- Community Ambassadors
- I am Evergreen
- LITA blog post and/or webinar
outreach/meetings/2020-08-05/minutes.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by