Hey, I can't remember how we distribute the notes/where we store them, but here's what we've got from last week:
AI meeting summary:
Ruth Davis suggests the idea of hiring someone outside of the community to handle website development and maintenance, which could alleviate strain on the community. Stephanie Leary agrees and mentions automating scheduling blocks for the conference part of the site. Rogan Hamby doesn't think that will be a high priority and amount of funding available will be limited and current amounts unknown. They discuss potential funding and deadlines for proposing an overhaul of the website.
Andrea Buntz Neiman talks about sending emails and the OPAC accessibility review. Stephanie Leary raises the question of sending a press release for the community conversation. Rogan suggests transparency as an open-source project principle, while Ruth considers posting on the website instead of a press release. The discussion shifts to social media, specifically Twitter, with concerns about its usefulness and potential negative content. Blue Sky and Threads are mentioned as alternative platforms to explore.
Ruth Davis expresses her disdain for Twitter participation but acknowledges that Stephanie is handling it. Rogan Hamby proposes the idea of ceasing to use Twitter and switching to Blue Sky, a platform that people leaving Twitter are gravitating towards. Ruth supports the proposal and suggests promoting Blue Sky during a conference. Rogan plans to upload content on Blue Sky before making an official release. They discuss inviting others to join Blue Sky and consider using Mastodon as well. Action items include sending invites. They also discuss creating a "Contact Who" page for various tasks like YouTube uploads and site access requests. The page needs further input from the board before finalizing it, but they plan to link it on the website's About Us section. They mention Lupin access as an esoteric release manager requirement but debate whether or not it should be included in the documentation.
Rogan Hamby mentions sending upcoming press releases and thanks Laura Barry for providing contacts. The 2023 annual report needs attention, and Andrea Buntz Neiman suggests spotlighting Jane Sandberg with others' feedback. They discuss ideas for the annual report, including focusing on accomplishments and new developers. They also consider hosting Hackaway in different locations, including Columbia.
Rogan Hamby plans to send out emails asking for proposals to host an event, hoping that Mobius will remain interested. Andrea Buntz Neiman agrees with the plan. They discuss potential locations and joke about holding the event in Stephanie's living room or backyard. Stephanie Leary suggests San Antonio but acknowledges the inconvenience of air travel from her location. They decide to push their January meeting to the following week and update the community calendar accordingly. The transcript ends with holiday greetings and farewells from Rogan, Stephanie, and Ruth.
Action items from the transcript: 1. Ruth Davis:
- Send a doodle poll to Stephanie and Olivia to schedule a meeting for discussing a proposal for an overhaul of the website by an outside entity. - Contact interest group leaders to gather information on their accomplishments for the annual report. - Seek consent from Jane Sandberg to spotlight her in the annual report. - Consider adding a page to the annual report highlighting new developers and their contributions. - Contact the Evergreen community to gather ideas for the annual report, including the idea of Evergreen after hours.
2. Rogan Hamby:
- Send an email to solicit proposals to host the Hackaway in 2023.
3. Stephanie Leary:
- Review and tidy up the announcement email for the community conversation and post it on the website for those who don't check their email regularly. - Create a blog post on the website about the community conversation. - Find and share the page on the Wiki that lists who to contact for various tasks, such as YouTube uploads and Lupin access. - Update the community calendar to reflect the rescheduled January meeting.
4. Andrea Buntz Neiman:
- Proofread the announcement email for the community conversation before it is sent out. - Send words for the press release about the upcoming releases to Rogan. - Provide coherence and help Ruth with writing proposals for the Evergreen Project. - Share the Blue Sky account information with Catherine. - Send out an email to gather ideas for the annual report, focusing on interest group accomplishments and Evergreen after hours.
5. Everyone:
- Consider ideas for spotlights and fun content for the annual report.