Outreach Committee Meeting Minutes
March 4th 2020, 2pm EST
Attending: Andrea (minutes), Debbie, Rogan, Ron
- Annual Report (Rogan/Andrea)
- Please review beta4 copy
- ABN to activate the proofreaders
- Community Spotlight (Andrea)
- February’s was Steve Callender of EOLI
- March’s CommSpot was chosen from among the nominees; ABN will reach out to them
- Press Releases (Ron)
- Nothing to report
- ALA Meetup (Debbie/Amy)
- Program submitted; reaching out to potential panelists
- Merchandise (Debbie)
- Nothing to report
- Budget (Rogan)
- TEP Board still working on Finances
- ABN will look at buying a small quantity of buttons
- Debbie will check with a local place near here as well
- Redbubble store (Rogan)
- Still awaiting TEP to finalize Finances before moving all merch to Redbubble
- New Business
- LITA Partnership - ABN will talk to Galen
Meeting adjourned 2:22pm
outreach/meetings/2020-03-04/minutes.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by