Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting September 4, 2024 4 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Pacific
Attendees: Ruth Frasur Davis, Rogan Hamby, Kathy Lussier, Kathryn Nesbitt, Andrea Buntz Neiman
Called to order at 4:05 p.m. ET
- Web Site, Current (Stephanie) - Andrea provided brief update in Stephanie's absence.
- Added tagging plugin to website
- Stephanie will work on blog bylines, conference schedule table formatting, either remove the calendar links that don't work or (harder) make them work
- New content outline / wireframe – please leave comments and feedback!
- Test site / new WordPress theme – in progress; let Stephanie know if you can't log in
- Survey and Feedback Channel
- Web Site Survey - https://docs.google.com/forms/de/1FAIpQLSeuvtLC7yoONjvhBXIN3DRtwvq2WWVLE4JKOeJciEoQyS26AA/viewform?usp=sf_link
- Rogan will send to Outreach Committee for feedback on the survey and then will send to general community to fill out in October.
- Rogan recommended annual update of “things that work” with Evergreen on wiki. Ruth mentioned that there is room in the strategic plan to lay out a plan for this.
- Press releases (Katherine)
- Andrea volunteered to take up the mantle in the absence of Katherine.
- Social Media (Kathryn)
- Plan press release for site overhaul
- Social Media Platform Reviews
- Kathryn mentioned staying with the main platforms
- Investigated Threads and was not impressed with having to create an Instagram account.
- Mentioned potentially having a central account
- Andrea mentioned the idea of social@evergreen-ils.org, and Rogan mentioned that, at the least, an account associated with evergreen-ils.org.
- The question arose around an account on LinkedIn. Kathryn mentioned it should be associated with an evergreen-ils.org account for the succession reasons.
- Social media hashtags were discussed and the need to have a predictable and consistent strategy.
- Discussed social media admin platform
- Sprout, Fedica, Buffer, IFTTT
- Action - Rogan proposed creating a rubric to evaluate options. Kathryn agreed to proceed with this.
- Hack-A-Way (Rogan)
- Social Media posts
- Photos - Rogan will be encouraging lots of pictures at the Hack-a-way.
- Press Release
- Rooms - Kathy mentioned that we have met the attrition requirement. The hotel extended the block with an expiration of October 21. This was not in the original contract and some negotiation continues.
- Travel Coordination
- Outreach Budget (Rogan)
- Rogan delivered budget request to Katie Greenleaf Martin, TEP Treasurer.
- Budget line item for newsletter mailer platform to launch in 2025.
- ALA (Kathy)
- ALA Core (in Philadelphia) is accepting program proposals through September 23.
- Kathy will submit a proposal. Andrea and Rogan volunteered to help.
- Kathy will email Andrea, Rogan and those who participated in ALA last year.
- Project Management for Outreach
- Debbie created a rubric and added products along with products from Rogan.
Meeting adjourned around 5:00 p.m. ET.
outreach/meetings/2024-09-04/minutes.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/06 17:18 by rfrasur