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Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting

September 5, 2018 2 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Pacific

  • Evergreen logo - The contract has been signed, meaning there should be no more barriers in getting payment to the designer.
  • Outreach Committee charge to support and encourage community participation
    • Brainstorm / Braindump doc here from Andrea.
    • Andrea took an action item to create a Google form for soliciting nominations.
    • Kathy took an action item to put out a call for volunteers to help with this program.
    • We'll wait until next month, on the other side of the release, to announce this project. Take a call for nominations in October.
  • Press release for 3.2 - Ron has agreed to write up the press release for 3.2,
  • I am Evergreen brainstorming document - Some initial ideas have been added to the brainstorming document, but they are mostly from one person. We decided to provide some more time for Outreach members to contribute to the document for further discussion on the October call. In the meantime, Kathy asked if there was anybody on Outreach who could produce production-level videos for this campaign. Kathy took an action item to put out a call to the general list to see if there is anybody in the general community who could create high-quality videos for this campaign.
  • Web site ideas - As was the case with the above brainstorming document, Kathy suggested that we let this document percolate a little to give people a chance to add more ideas. She also volunteered to email the Outreach list with a reminder to contribute to these documents. Stephen Wills volunteered to go through the web site ideas document and identify topics that may already exist on the web site or wiki that just need to be reworked and/or promoted more on the front page.
outreach/meetings/2018-09-05.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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