Attending: Rogan, Amy, Debbie, Ron
The ritual discussion of everyone's local weather was observed.
- 2019 Annual Report - (Rogan/Andrea update) - We are ahead of schedule and trying to not lose momentum. We still have over a week to get the last piece of text in. We agreed to keep the groups page as is for an internal audience but hopefully find a graphic for it and solicit feedback for next year.
- Contributor of the Month (Andrea update) - The proposed spotlight was accepted and Andrea will be working on that.
- Press releases (Ron) - None to report but people are encouraged to send Ron content.
- ALA Meetup (Amy & Debbie) - Andrea is looking at possibly organizing a meetup for PLA. Debbie has volunteered to work with her. We are looking at doing a program for ALA on the theme of libraries joining an established open source community. We will be reaching out to members of the Koha and Evergreen community that have recently migrated to possibly sit on a panel. Debbie is working on the writeup and Amy will approach possible participants.
- Conference Merchandise (Debbie) - Debbie is selecting some to bring to Atlanta.
New Business
- Possible collaboration with LITA - This idea was proposed by Galen via email and met with universal enthusiasm (within Outreach at least). It was agreed that both a blog post and webinar are both within our reach. Andrea's notes should make a blog post fairly straight forward. We can reach out to those that participated in 2019 in the Free Kittens and Beer discussion to revive it as a webinar and find new participants as necessary. We would prefer to do it as a non-commercial, free webinar however.
outreach/meetings/2020-02-05/minutes.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by