Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting December 6th, 2023 4 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Pacific
Attending: Ruth Frasur Davis, Kathryn Nesbit, Stephanie Leary, Olivia Blake, Katherine Dannehl, Rogan Hamby, Debbie Luchenbill, Andrea Buntz Neiman (minutes)
Meeting started 4:05pm ET
- Web Site, Current (Stephanie)
- Permissions issues with current website
- Two test versions: one with PINES and one with Indy - Indy is more recent: https://evergreen-dev.isl.lib.in.us/
- No previous documentation available
- ACTION: Ruth will look into FTP access for Stephanie
- Should we consider a different place to host the development version of the website?
- Web Site, Proposal for Board (Ruth)
- Proposal for TEP Board for next year budget?
- What is our content strategy for the website?
- Tabled until community strategic plan outcomes are known since they will inform this
- Future: revive Website Committee?
- Press releases (Katherine)
- 3.12 press release went out to several press contacts
- Confirmed & posted by Marshall Breeding: https://librarytechnology.org/pr/29626
- Social Media (Kathryn)
- Will start posting content
- Someday, we will have a content strategy here too
- 2023 Annual Report Prep (Rogan)
- Kathy has a line on a possible graphic designer
- Andrea has started to pull together git stats and other content
- No new business
Meeting adjourned 4:46pm ET
outreach/meetings/2024-01-10/minutes.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/10 16:47 by aneiman