Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting July 1st, 2020 2 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Pacific
Attending: Andrea (minutes), Debbie, Galen, Rogan, Ron
Agenda: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=outreach:meetings:2020-07-01:agenda
- Community Spotlight (Andrea update)
- Benjamin Murphy posted for June
- July's CommSpot selected & Andrea will follow up with them
- Press releases (Ron)
- PR about the Conference went out 6/30
- LITA blog post and/or webinar?
- Punted to next month
- Lessons Learned from Online Conference? (similar events? on-demand video content?)
- ABN will be sending draft report shortly
- Rogan reports that YouTube engagement has been good; subscribers are now over 100 & watch-through rate is averaging 60-70%
- ALA Meetup (Amy & Debbie)
- No update
- Conference Merchandise (Debbie)
- No update
- 2020 Annual Report
- No update
Deferred Until Non-Profit Process is Complete
- Budget
- No update
- Redbubble Store
- No update
TUTCCF - Tabled Until Torch Carrier Comes Forward :
- Social Media
- Web site refresh (cross over with web team)
- Community Ambassadors
- I am Evergreen
Adjourned 2:18pm EDT
outreach/meetings/2020-07-01/minutes.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by